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Please pardon the set-up and appearance of our homepage for the time being as we are remodeling.
We're not dead yet, trust us!
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The GCIA works hard to ensure the safety for other users by living by and enforcing the Gaian Terms of Service. We also collect information on all prominent organisations and people. We are not a military guild, and we are certainly not spies, but we may choose to alliance with guilds of those types if need be.

Need Our Help?
Submit a request here.

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Do not submit via PM. Submit via "Join Guild". Failure to complete the form will result in a decline, no exceptions. You must be able to follow directions. If you are declined, you may re-apply in 2 weeks.

1. Username: (Gaia Username)
2. Reason for joining: (Explain using a few sentences why you wish to join)
3. How did you find out about this guild/who recommended it to you?:
4. Have you been/are you involved in other guilds? If yes, which ones?:

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All details, images, and writings belong to GCIA (Gaia Central Intelligence Agency) and may not be
copied and used for reproduction in any manner without the explicit written authorization of the GCIA
Infringement will be reported to a site moderator of GaiaOnline
© Copyright 2011-2012 GCIA, Gaia Central Intelligence Agency Some Rights Reserved