Love of the zodiac is a story about a girl given a gift and a curse... she was the year of the bat. you may have never heard of it because the year of the dragon ( leader of the zodiac family/ clan) thought the bat was evil people would think so as well, so the story has always been told that there was only 9 animals in the zodiac.. but what people dont know there is more than 9 there is 15 and those 6 others dont really like the zodiac curse and find it dificult to fit in with the other zodiacs. the other 6 are year of the bat, year of the fish, year of the wolf, year of the king cobra, year of the panther, and yeear of the bird. those 6 are the graveyard zodiacs that try and find there right full place in the zodiac story/ family.
the origianl 9 are year of the cat, year of the tiger, year of the dog, year of the ox, year of the snake, year of the monkey, year of the baor, year of the rat, year of the dragon!

all i hope is you have fun and make lots of friends.... oh yeah we need humans aswell!