Money, Cybering, and annoying...
Do you want to live with that when your on gaia with your friends?? Of coruse not!!

First money.
Money, it gets annoying dosent it?? Newbs always come up to you and say ''Hey Donate to me i just got hacked.'' SO WAT! Iv'e been hacked 9 times i bet half of the newbs on gaia have only been hacked once or twice.. If you join i'll tell you how to stop this.

User Image

;<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">&

Second Cybering.
Mostly cybering is done by guys on gaia, when i was out with my friends once in rally, a noob came up to me and {humped me!} When we report it takes for days!!!Im not saying guys are bad im saying they do it most of the time irls do it also on gaia like i see them saying hi and then they hump each other isnt that disturbing?? If you join ill tell you User ImagePictures, Images and Evidence of those noobs beig so annoying!

Third Annoying.
Everybody i know always tells noobs to leave them alone, but do they?? Nope They keep doing it... annoying would kinda be the same as cybering in some way cuz newbs annoy u with sex.

-No Cussin'
-No Harresment
-No Cyberin'

If you dont follow these rules you will be banned you get 2 warnings.

If you join this guild i swear i will make this stop!!!