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"Evergleam, everywhere, ever weird, everyone"

Just when you thought it was almost over, it begins all over again.
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Looking for a nice community to hang out in?

Want to run a contest in a respectable, active place?

Want to participate in some of those contests, make some friends in the process?

Join EverGleam!

We're a really close little community, but we're always in the mood to make new friends. So head on over to the forums, look around a bit, and join if you feel compelled to. Please note that this guild IS based heavily on the enjoyment of contests... and that you WILL be banned from the guild if you lurk contests, never participate or help out, pick up prizes, then leave. I stress that you MUST participate if you intend to benefit from this guild.

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you for a chat. :3

The EverGleam Team
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If you would like to join the guild, in the comment box for when you send a request, just put a little about yourself, and what kinds of things you plan to participate in with the guild.

When you put in your Join request, include the name of the EverGleam Guild member who invited or inspired you to join.

DO NOT put any donations into the "Donate to Guild" box below. Please send all donations to Evergleam_Guild, our guild mule.