Welcome to the THE GUILD OF HELLSING! I am your captain, Wyvern683, here to inform you about this little guild.
It is dedicated to the Hellsing Manga and Anime. We talk about favorite characters, the manga/anime, and other related topics.
As captain, I will answer any questions or concerns you may have and will do my best to improve the guild to be better for the members.
However, I have rules:
1. Nothing against the rules of Gaia Online itself
2. Watch your language
3. Be respectful of other members!
4. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD, USE PUNCTUATION! I don't mean to seem rude, but I need to be able to understand what you say. If you have Dyslexia or cannot type well in English for any reason, you are excused. I'm not that evil, I promise.
5. Keep comments PG-13, please.
6. please be active in the guild.

7. We've been struggling with the organization lately, so please remember: SPAM goes in the Spam forum, AMV's go in the Video forum, art goes in the Art forum, ect.

I am aware that the main forum's kinda messy and there's a few problems, but please bare with us.
Relax, post, eat people,whatever it is,have fun doing it and be courteous to others.
Here we are. Whether you're a human, vampire, werewolf, or crazed priest, this guild has something for you!

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Now. . . . Press the button. . . .The jolly, Candy-like button. . . you know you can't resist the button. . .