This is a Guild made up of members of an existing Pagan Coven. We are a ecclectic group of pagans of various paths, and beliefs. Those who are not a member of the group can still join if you wish. Ask questions, and learn. Share jokes and have fun. All people of pagan paths, or people who are just curious feel free to join. We will be posting lessons for those of our group who have gone of to college so feel free to learn from those. Unfortunately I must charge a small amount entry fee, because it is very expensive to start a guild. But feel free to join, learn, laugh, and hopefully understand. This group is also interested in meeting, and speaking with members of other paths as well. Wicca, Druid, Norse, Celtic, Egyption, All types are welcom, as a matter of fact we may even ask you to write up lessons and post them in the lessons subforum. Blessed be to you all

By joining this group you agree to follow Gaia's TOS and to be respectful of the other members of this group