Background story: The current Year is 500X A.D .The age of technology came and died.
world history

2500:A Lab in atmosphere that was working with A material Call Anti-mithanlite For some reason the Lab Exploded and at that time it was above the very advance city that cover most of the north polar region.The Anti-mithanlite hit the city.Normality This lite would be harmless by it self but the city ran off of mithanlite.Another material that would be harmless by it self.but when theses two are side by side they tend to explode releasing type of gas call blacklite that is very harmful to anything it touches.everyone and everything was change.people with in the city was turn to monsters that where humanoid and monster that was once tamed went back to their animal instincts,but people and the other regions of the world surive and rebuild.

3000:Techion's kingdom vanishes from the worlds maps.

4500:Vimpireheart kingdom cave in and collapse.

4680-4720: The Massive Kingdom Wars

4740:Kono Village was destroy by a rampaging monster.

4780 razz .A.M (projection against monsters) was made.

4800:the The mislenni kingdom betrays the world and make the P.A.M disband.

5002:polar region The group that was in the story V.H saga discover a lab and away to get rid of the blacklite covering the sky.they release the mechanize.Also some pieces of the broken space station exploded.