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This guild is for the bisexuals of Gaia, ages 13 and up.
You can come here and chat, spam, connect, and rant without all the noobish flaming that goes on elsewhere.
Not sure if you're bisexual or not? Join and ask for advice.
In the future, I'm going to have a charity, contests (like lotto, bumping, random number, and avi), and maybe a matchmaking service.
Come and join!

"Being bi isn't needing to choose. It's enjoying the pleasures we were put here on earth to enjoy. It's having your cake and eating it too. No one needs to pick one, GO OUT WITH BOTH! AT THE SAME TIME!!! lol! Thats what I do. It's fun. I know in 50 years, I won't be regretting what I DIDN'T do. So, enjoy your youth while you can. You don't need to be accepted, just respected. I read a quote the other day that said something to the likes of "Though I do not agree with what you are, I will fight to the death so you can have the right to be anything" Our parents will not be our gestappo forever. Deal with it for a few years and then you're free. You don't need their approval for your sexuality. You just need their respect. Make sure they know that. You are who you are, and no person can make you choose something that you don't want to. It's like choosing that you want the sun on all the time. It doesn't work. Life is a series of shades of grey, not black and white. Remember that."


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