• oh, how my vision is clouded by the colorful darkness of this land
    and how my psyche is scorched by this burning sun
    deluted by the simple goals of heroism and vanity
    that I lost myself to the very land i sought to conquer
    the trees whisper to me as I continue to teach through these hot daggers under my feet as warm crimson continue to drench my path
    the jungle itself speaking more pain than I could ever feel
    they do not lie, but they do not comfort
    as I realised the bitter truth they preach to me
    for they do not see me as an invader
    but rather kin to their non existent blood
    who are we to have thought we could have been heros
    who are we to have thought this land could not change us
    and who were we before we came here
    for I cry for my home, yet I do not know if I still belong to it
    and as I see that banner torn at my feet
    I realise that I am one with it

    the image is ingrained into me
    that old rising sun
    so please forgive me mama

    For I Am No Longer Your Son