• My friends may come and go,
    My friends may laugh and cry,
    My friends may love and hate,
    My friends may walk and talk,
    My friends will always remain my friends,
    Yes, we may have our fights
    But eventually we forgive and forget,
    We have our differences, we aren't all the same,
    We have things in common though.
    And we all care for each other,
    We all have our sparks
    Something special about us people like us for.

    My friends may come and go,
    Except they will never leave my heart,
    They can leave to go somewhere
    They may leave forever
    But i will never forget the laughs,
    The fights,
    The secrets we shared,
    The fun we had together,
    The days we were down,
    The days we were overwhelmed,
    The day we all had butterflies,
    But one thing I'll never forget
    Is the memories we made together.
    Whethere they are good or bad
    I won't forget.
    Each memory we have had a purpose to it
    And I won't forget it

    If any of my friends died,
    I wouldn't know what to do,
    I wouldn't know what to look forward to everyday
    I wake each day to see my beloved friends.
    At school where we can make more memories
    If any of my friends died
    I wouldn't know what memories are
    The memories of them would stay like a scar
    And all those scars have a story to make us cry
    Of the good times and of the bad times.
    When I look back at all the times we had fun
    Like our childhood,
    It seems silly to you, but i begin to cry
    Every moment I recall brings the purpose back,
    The purpose in which we still are alive,
    Because we had each other for support.

    The pictures we look back at,
    Can bring back good memories and even bad ones too
    The picture we look back at
    We remember when and how people were
    And now look at us,
    All grown and wise,
    Not scared to take a risk,
    Not scared of meeting new people,
    Not scared of dying,
    Because we know we won't die alone,
    We know we had friends
    And they wouldn't want it in any other way.

    Friends may die in reality
    But friends never die in heart unless you let them
    Their memories are your memories,
    They may be gone
    but never actually leave you
    Friends stay with you forever.
    They've stayed with you in life
    So they'll stay with you after death even if you don't know it
    They'll remember the good days
    And they'll smile with you no matter how you may be.

    My friends may come and go,
    My friends may laugh and cry,
    My friends may love and hate,
    My friends may walk and talk,
    My friends will stay with me forever
    And so will I
    The memories we had will stay
    The pictures may burn
    But the memories won't
    You can try to make us forget
    But something in life is going to make us remember
    Remeber the good days
    And all the memories we shared once upon a time
    Someday when we're separated
    And when we meet again
    We'll talk about the memories
    Like it was just yesterday.

    Today can be our last day together before we go
    But somewhere in life or death
    When we meet with no intentions
    We'll talk a little
    Then we'll go our own way once again
    We'll see each other soon enough.
    Trust me.
    I'll make it happend, don't worry
    I'll try my hardest,
    To get the memories we lost
    Back to where they belong
    In our heart forever
    That's where the memories
    Truly belong.