• You were supposed to be my friend.
    The one that could mend...all my wounds and bruises.
    But then you showed your true self, the monster you really are.
    You grabbed my arm
    and pushed me down
    onto the ground.
    I screamed and cried for you to stop
    but you just layed right on top.
    I screamed for Billy and Mark to help me,
    because I knew that they could see
    what was going on.
    You ripped my shirt
    and started to treat me like dirt.
    I ran as fast as I can away from you
    because I knew
    if you caught up I'd pay dearly.
    When I returned to my dad's you had told him that I kicked you for no reason, so I was beaten badly.
    Billy and Mark didn't stand up for me,
    My dad looked right past me
    so he didn't see
    what Jose did to me.
    Since that day I've never went back
    and my heart still has a crack
    that will never heal,
    because what my best friend tried to do to me was real.