• There once was a frog,
    who lived happily in a bog,
    in a forest to far from here.

    This frog was the rude of sorts.
    taking all he could.
    He horded his food,
    in a way oh so horid.

    The winter that year
    was one of the tales.
    With soft white crystals
    gentlly blanketing the horizon.
    In a soft white veil.

    Creatures inthe forest were caught,
    off guard, and scared.
    But the frog was ready,
    more than ready.

    You see, the frog had heard.
    The butterflies whisper,
    of a cold wind coming in from the North.
    But the frog's neighbour,
    Miss Goose, had not...

    "Please oh please monsieur Frog!
    Mes enfants sont faim!"
    Miss Goose begged frog for food.
    But frog stayed in his marsh.

    He ignored her cries for help.
    "Monsieur Frog, sil vous plait! Mes enfants!
    Mes enfants sont faim!!"
    But the greedy forg stayed inside.

    He had enough food fr a family of 4.
    To last the whole winter and more!
    Miss Goose left,
    and the frog took his last breath.

    For the food he got was tainted.
    Dipped in greed with a side of angst.

    The tale of the frog lived on
    passed to all the cubs, fawns, and gooslings.
    It developed into a famillair saying.
    Known to all

    "Be kind to thy neighbour, and kind will be done on to you!"