• The moon is dark as the wolf sets out.
    His path is set only in his mind.
    Stars feebly shine their light on his shaggy black fur.
    Silence wraps around him with each step.
    He enters a grove of evergreens.
    He remembers the way.
    Or so he thinks.
    He stands still and sniffs.
    Where is he?
    He howls his frustration to the black moon.
    Then suddenly, it appears.
    The wolf yips his approval.
    He continues on his journey through darkness and light.
    He runs smoothly and swiftly through the forest.
    The trees bow down to him as he passes.
    The wind whistles through his fur.
    The sun begins to rise, a pink glow at the edge of the trees.
    All is calm, and the black wolf keeps running.
    He comes upon a passage.
    The rock walls are steep.
    The air is cool there.
    The wolf urges himself to keep running.
    It gets dark.
    The wolf becomes more alert as he runs.
    Then the passage opens.
    The wolf comes to a standstill.
    The sun shines warmly on a cliff top surrounded by trees.
    He is home.