• March,24th,2008
    That was the day it happened.
    So fast and sudden as if it where just a dream.
    Just a dream.
    Just a harmless dream that wouldn't put me here.
    Put me to my death.
    But it wasn't a dream and I am here.
    I did get ran over by that car.
    That car that killed me.
    So now I am here.
    The land of the waiting.
    Waiting to be called.
    Waiting to be judged.
    Waiting for life in the new land.
    They speak of the new land as a place of no worries or tears or death.
    Everlasting life.
    But I am not there just yet and I'm still here.
    The land of the waiting.
    In this place.
    It's dark.
    But out in the distance there is a light.
    A wonderful light that has warmth and hope.
    But I am not in the light.
    Not yet.
    I am in this dark, cold, sad land of the waiting.
    The line to the light is long.
    So long that it looks as if there is no end.
    No end and I'll just wait and wait.
    But they all say it will be worth it.
    All this waiting will be worth for what's ahead.
    I hope they are right.
    They also talk about another land.
    In this other land, pain and fear over power us all.
    I don't like to hear of this other land.
    This other land of grinding of teeth and screams of pain.
    They say at the judging, they decide which land you go to.
    The land we all hope to go to is the land of everlasting life and joy.
    Or this other land of pain and tears.
    The line moves along and we get closer to eternal joy or pain and sorrow.
    We wait for our judgment.
    We wait to be called.
    We wait for life.