• I lie to protect the ones i love.
    I have a secret identity that no one knoes of.
    I am the black death, the plageu, the Grim.
    Come to reap your soul and make it much
    Easier on you for the long trip to the balck abbys.
    I walk in the valley of the shadows.
    I fear no evil, i'm not evil, i'm not love, i'm not dark, i'm not light.
    I'm you, your very soul eating away at you from the inside out.
    So hed my warnings and thou shalt live because I hold your life, your pathetic
    Life in the palm of my cold dead hands, So allow me to seep into your dreams.
    Torment you like i was tormented, and only i will stop until your a lifeless shell on the brenk of madness.
    Come with me and seak redemption or wonder around as a madened soul with no reason to live or go to hell.