• He once was a young boy,
    so filled with love, so filled with joy.
    His eyes was filled with innocence,
    his heart full of benevolence.

    He once was a young boy,
    so daring and brave.
    Disasters he never took so grave,
    for he was filled with optimism,
    so rare, so without criticism.

    Now what a grown boy he has become.
    So mature, so handsome.
    Marched of to war,
    with bravery and more.

    Now his eyes are darker,
    filled with hatred galore.
    No longer is there joy for him,
    his war experience so grim.

    To witness so much slaughter,
    so happy he was no more.
    To live in a world of hatred,
    the desire to live has halted.

    The only refuge of happinness,
    to remember the life he had once...
    when he was once a young boy...