• gaia_angelleft I used to think that being married to someone I don’t love was like using a short dull knife to cut off an arm. The suffering and the awkwardness was unbearable. At first the first few days after our marriage, were strange. As a wife, I woke up early everyday to make breakfast, but he never ate them. Each day, he would skip breakfast and go straight to work. He never spoke much with me or was aware that I exist for most of the time. I never knew what he wanted or needed and I assume neither does he knew what I wanted or needed. I tried to be the one to create a conversation, but he brushed it off like a speck of dust on his shoulder. Every day was like that, I couldn't believe that I have endured for this long. A thought had occurred to me that, all this was a terrible idea; I felt that I shouldn't have agreed to this proposal in the first place.

    Before all this has happened, I was a free and single woman who has recently traveled to France to find my uncle Eric, in hope for him to help me get a job. I have not seen my uncle ever since my sister’s wedding, which was about eleven years ago. I was nervous of meeting him after all these years and was expecting he would be wearing a fancy suit and all, since he is the president of a large technology company. When I just got off the airport, my cell phone began to ring; it was my uncle. His voice was tender and kind through the phone so my anxiety dropped a little. Then, he asked me for a favor to do some shopping at a supermarket. This was so sudden that I didn't know where to start; I just arrived here and already my uncle got me an errand to do.

    I asked around for direction to the closest market. After a couple of misinterpretation because my French is moderate, I finally arrived to a supermarket. My uncle Eric sent me a picture of the list of things he wanted me to purchase, cassia buds, mahlab, nigella seeds, and evergreen. I stared at the list for a while, wondering what kind of items they were. I first thought they were fruits, but there were no signs with these names so, I moved on to the vegetables section. As I seek for the items, I accidentally bumped into somebody. It was a guy who was wearing nice casual clothing. That was the first time I met him and he was aloof, disrespectful, and sarcastic. He neither said “sorry” nor “excuse me”, instead he glared and scold at me. Then he swiftly changed the subject by asking me, “What are you looking for?” Since he asked, I didn't hesitate to announce and show him the list; I didn't want to search the whole market for merely four items. He informed me that I was in the wrong section because the items on the list were actually spices. I must have looked shocked and confused because he took me by the hand and lead me straight to the spices section. He was right, those items were spices. I immediately grabbed all the ones on the list and he assisted me by getting the ones I couldn't reach. From a cold attitude to helpful, this guy was complex.

    Afterward, I thanked him, but he just shrugged his shoulders and left. I called my uncle as soon as I have purchased the spices. I wondered why my uncle needed these; I have never heard of these names and what would he do with them? He’s the chief of a tech company, not a kitchen. When I called Uncle Eric, he was ecstatic and told me to go to this address. gaia_angelright

    gaia_nitemareleft I shall stop here for now. Should I continue this tale? gaia_nitemareright