• Mika gripped the next branch and pulled herself up the great oak. Almost there She thought to herself as she climbed swiftly. The smaller branches scraped her light skin and every once in a while the twigs would grab her hair. She took a brake to tug the obnoxious sticks out of her dirty blond hair. Her hands started to get a bit sore after the bark rubbed roughly against her palm. She looked up and saw the light pouring through the branches. Just a few more! She exclaimed in her head.
    Suddenly she was out!
    The wind flying in her face, the light pouring down upon her as, she laughed, embracing the sky. She gazed around her. Enjoying the freedom of the air and the grace floating on the wind. She gazed around her as she sat on the top branches of the tree. The land was breath taking. She could hear the buzz of the bees, the singing of the birds, the sounds of happiness and the voice in her head remembering the words of the old tales.
    To the left was the Karohi Mountain range. It was said that if you finally reached the top you would find you greatest wish up there, above the clouds. The mountains always seemed quite a mystery but anyone who went inside the dark tunnels of old was never seen again.
    She turned her head the opposite way, to the east. She stared at the Malinu desert and the great Wasoru canyon. You had to pass through there to get to the other land, but no one did that anymore. It was burning during the day and freezing during the night.
    She glanced over to the west, a vast pool of water stretched as long as the eye could see. When she was little she always wondered what would happen is she got on a boat and sailed into the Sabari Sea. Would she run over the edge of the earth? Or maybe she would get sucked down by a whirlpool, possibly she would just keep sailing forever.
    Then, Mika looked at the Emery forest. The land of her dreams, the place she wished to see. She gazed at the golden forest and the winding streams weaving there way through that perfect place. It seemed, even though she could, it seemed like it was just a place of imagination, a place she never really could go. She sighed wishfully at that magical place.
    She suddenly heard a noise below her and she jumped in alarm. Then she heard a crack. Slowly turning her head Mika looked down at the branch below her, but it was too late. The tree was braking and she was going to fall. She would of jumped but it was too high up. Suddenly the branch gave way beneath her and she went tumbling down. She rammed into branches but she was already moving to fast for her to grab a hold of any of them. So instead of staying calm she started flailing her arms wildly and screaming for help. Then the branches stopped scraping her face and the tree loomed over her while she fell the last few yards.
    “GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed, I didn’t want to die like this! You know what! I don’t want to die at all! She thought to herself! Suddenly she hit the ground with a giant thunk. She couldn’t breath, she couldn’t feel. All she could do was stare at the tall great green trees and even that was fading away. Slowly the darkness enveloped Mika but the last thing she saw was the large ugly mass looming over her.