• I stared out into the ocean. The glimmering black waves rushed over our feet as we watched the bottle float into the sea beyond. " Well," Jade said, " glad thats over."
    I saw Zach nod slowly out of the corner of my eye. I turned and started walking up the soft black sand. I stopped and turned around. " Lets go, " I whispered " before they come back."

    The wind whipped my hair across my face, as i aproached the big double doors of the building. Zach grabbed my arm. " You alright?" he whispered, pushing my back against the wall as a woman walked past. " You were really quiet today... something wrong?" he asked tentatively, as if he were scared that i would lash out at him. He's knows i hate it when people ask if im alright, but he still does it anyway. " I'm fine...just - tired." I said, knowing from the second i looked at his face that he wasn't buying any of it. He gripped my shoulders hard and pushed me back harder.
    " Ow!" I shouted
    " Shut up, someone'll hear you." Zach said fiercely
    " fine then. I'll tell them my best friends trying to rape me."
    " Zoe, seriously!"
    " Sorry! I guess..." I looked up at him. He was way taller than me, like 8 inches.
    I sighed and hugged him. He hugged me back. " I was scared." i whisperes into his chest.

    He let go and held me at arms length. " Really?" he asked. I looked him straight in the eye and nodded. We were just about to walk up the stairs when Jade came running down. Her voice was anxious and rushed when she spoke. " Guys! guys, they followed us, they're-" She froze. Her long dark finger shakily pointed to the door. As I turned around, a huge flash of light blinded my eyes.

    --------------------------------------------TO BE CONTUINUED--------------------------------------------------