• CHAPTER 66 - UM...YEAH...

    So what do you do when you encounter the worst/scariest/most confusing dream about you and your boyfriend? How will you tell them what your reasoning is to your weird attitude??

    .:{{Dream in Arisa's Perspective}}:.

    For once, I wasn't running. I wasn't running or jogging or floating or anything. Not escaping anything and not chasing anything. I was lying down, lying down on the bed that I only knew as Kai's. The room looked the same from top to bottom, same furniture, same pictures, mirrors, comforters, everything. However, there was little natural light that came into the room. Most of the drapes had been drawn. Maybe Kai and Kira's sunlight suppressant pills were gone again. I allowed my eyes to adapt to the darkness of the room and heard voices from outside of the bedroom. I listened carefully to try to make out what they were saying, but most of the words were muffled from the door blocking me from them.

    "No...that's not...can't let her...won't let her go," those were only a few parts of the sentences I could make out from Kai's familiar voice.

    "At this rate...too late...have to get it out," Matsuda's voice rang in.

    "What about her?" I heard Kai again. "You're...die?"

    It was hard to fill in the blanks of the sentences, but I knew it had something to do with me and dying. Was it another dream about Kai bringing me to my death like in my previous dream?

    "We need to...the baby out," I heard Matsuda speak up again. "No other choice."

    Baby? Toshihiro? What about Toshihiro? Maybe I was dreaming back to Toshihiro's birth? Great, the gruesome birth was coming back to haunt me.

    "I won't let her die like that!" I heard Kai bluster clearly. "We should have gotten it out sooner!"

    Now that Kai was yelling profoundly, I could hear him clearly. There was a long silence outside of the room and I continued to listen closely. I could feel a discomfort throughout my body but I attempted to ignore it to listen some more.

    "It's...Arisa wanted," said Matsuda.

    What I wanted? I wanted Miku to have her baby that bad? Of course I wanted that. I wanted Miku and Takeuchi to be happy. But why was it Kai that was arguing with Matsuda about Miku and not Takeuchi arguing with Matsuda? What did Kai have to do with Miku's pregnancy?

    I felt another sharp pain of discomfort and looked down. One thing lost me, though; I couldn't see my feet. There was a big swollen blob in the way of my feet and it seemed awfully close to me. Too close for comfort, in my opinion. And by the looks of it, it was grown on me, it was attached to where my stomach was supposed to be. I took a hesitant finger and poked at the blob and flinched at the tenderness after I touched it. I pressed my hand against what I assumed was my stomach and I felt something from inside nudge at my hand. The nudge was discomforting, painful. It took me another second to realize that I was looking just like Miku as she looked before Toshihiro was born; pregnant.

    I shot upwards and poked the enlarged tummy again and again, moaning at the tenderness. I lifted my shirt over my stomach and gasped as I noticed purplish-blackish bruises coated my stomach. No, there is no way in Hell I'm pregnant. I'm still a virgin, for crying out loud! Well, apparently I can't say that anymore because I'm sitting in a bed with a child in my stomach! By the looks of it, I was around eight to nine months along compared to when Manager Uratada and Miku were. I stared at my enlarged self in disbelief. First, I was finally fat--not that I wanted to be--second, I was pregnant...nothing else to add to that, and third, it was more than likely--a hundred and ten percent--Kai's baby. It had to be because I was in no other relationships. But how could I have gotten pregnant?! We hadn't even taken our relationship that far!! But Kai had said that if I were pregnant with a half Vampire baby, then I wouldn't make it to the end of the third term. And yet here I was, probably on the verge of going into labor.

    "Kai?" I called for him in a shaky voice.

    In less than half a second, Kai was in the room and at my side with one supportive arm around my shoulders and another hand grasping my hand, "What's wrong?"

    "I'm-I'm--" I choked in confusion and fear. "I'm pregnant?"

    Kai stared at me in confusion, "Of course you are,"

    So that's all you can say is "Of course you are"? I didn't even know this, so quit acting as if I did! It was embarrassing to think about Kai and I in that kind of relationship! All of these happenings with pregnancy and marriage have turned me upside down! No, I can't be pregnant. I'll wake up soon, right?

    "Arisa, I'm sorry," Kai whispered, "for doing this to you."

    I blushed and held my breath suddenly as a sharp pain rippled throughout my body. I moaned and cradled my enlarged belly. The pain was amplifying, enlarging, I moaned louder and finally screamed as I felt a tear through my stomach. I hunched over and looked to my side to see Kai staring off into space. He was completely zoned out, in his own little world, oblivious to me in my pain.

    "Kai, snap out of it!" I yelled at him.

    The pain was increasing, Kai was still absent, I felt another tear and a bruising kick and I ended up crying out loud. The pain was horrible; I tried to cover the tears in my stomach where the baby was trying to escape and my hands were instantly covered in my blood. I continued to hunch over, moaning in pain, crying from fear, yelling at Kai to pay attention. I was confused beyond belief as I fell silent and fell onto my side on the bed, allowing the halfling baby to tear its way through my womb.

    "s**t!!" I shouted as I flung upwards in a sweat. I felt around my stomach area for a few seconds until Kai teleported into the room.

    "Arisa, what's wrong??" Kai asked me in concern.

    I breathed heavily, still feeling around at my stomach, and observed my environment around me. The room was lighter than in my dreams and more natural light was coming in through the windows. I continued to clench my stomach and sweat excessively. Kai rushed over to me and attended me at my side.


    "Um," I looked over at him and looked away immediately, turning maroon; how embarrassing to know I just had a dream that I was pregnant with my boyfriend's child!!!

    "Hey, what's wrong?" Kai pushed.

    "It's nothing," I continued to look away. "Just a dream."

    I peeked over at Kai and he was frowning. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the bed, trying anything I could to shake that dream off. There was no way in Hell I'd tell Kai about it. A few outcomes would come out of that; one, he'd freak out, two, he'd laugh at me, three, he'd think I was going insane, four, he'd think I'm desperate.

    "Um..." Kai paused, making me assume that he was leaning towards the fact that I could be crazy. "Since you're awake, you may come downstairs."

    "Uh, yeah," I nodded and pushed my hair behind one ear. "Yeah, I'll be down in a bit."

    Kai left the room and shut the door behind him. I took time to pull myself together from the nightmare I encountered and dressed myself. I took more time to adjust myself in the mirror hanging on the wall and made my way downstairs. I managed to trip a few times but was lucky enough to have the railing to break my fall. I was acting too nervous and if I approached anybody like that, then they would be suspicious. I couldn't find anybody when I reached the downstairs so I assumed they were all in Takeuchi's room, seeing the baby. I switched to my happy mode and skipped into Takeuchi's room. Everybody looked over at me and I smiled widely in awe as I noticed Orihime cradling Toshihiro in her arms. She was glowing, overjoyed at the fact that she was holding a newborn once more.

    "It's about time you woke up," Takeuchi smiled at me while standing next to Miku's bed.

    I looked over at the clock and frowned as it read one in the afternoon. I guess the make-out session Kai and I had last night wore me out quite a bit. Out of embarrassment, I slapped my hand over my mouth, thinking I said that out loud as Takeuchi burst into laughter and Matsuda averted his eyes from me to Kai in half mockery and half surprise. I lowered my head and turned red once more and from the corner of my eye, I saw Kai tuck his hands in his pockets and look away with a pink tint to his cheeks. I don't know why I covered my mouth, though, because I didn't say it out loud. Of course, there is no such thing as thinking to myself in this house, so everything I say and think is out loud.

    "You're serious?!" Takeuchi finally spoke up between laughs. "Dude, Uketomeru, you should have told me so I could watch!"

    I immediately picked up the nearest weapon--which in my case, was a book--and chucked it at Takeuchi's head, hitting him square in the temple, "No you couldn't! Pervert!"

    We all paused as we heard the cutest giggle in the world once more. We all averted our attention to Toshihiro in Orihime's arms and his eyes were a light green again. He was absolutely adorable; I melted when I saw his eyes again. I looked over as I heard Miku giggle lightly. I walked up to Miku in her bed and punched Takeuchi's arm along the way, nearly breaking my fist.

    "Hi, Miku," I smiled at her, trying my best to keep my dream out of my head after knowing Takeuchi was rummaging through my mind.

    "Hello," Miku sighed, exhausted. "Sorry if Takeuchi is being a dumb dog."

    "It's okay," I giggled. "It's Takeuchi."

    Miku smiled and shrugged, "I can't argue with you there,"

    "How has Toshihiro been doing?" I asked Miku.

    "It hasn't been that long since you've seen him," Miku pointed out. "But he's doing great. Thank you for asking."

    "And what about your parents?" I asked suddenly. "When will they be here?"

    "Another two days and they will arrive," Miku smiled. "We told them I 'fell down the stairs' and broke my pelvis so I can't go home quite yet. I'll be staying here until I can walk again."

    I smiled widely and bent over to embrace Miku, "Yay!"

    "And once I can walk again--or at least sit in a wheelchair--we need to go shopping for Toshihiro. I don't trust Takeuchi with home decor and fashion." she winked at Takeuchi.

    Takeuchi rolled his eyes and Matsuda handed Toshihiro back to him. Takeuchi allowed me to hold Toshihiro and as soon as Tohishiro was placed into my arms, I cradled him closely. I thought for a moment and looked up at Takeuchi, although addressing everybody else as well.

    "Hey, everybody, can I have a quiet moment to myself?" I asked them all, excluding Miku. "In my head?"

    Kai chuckled and Takeuchi rolled his eyes, "Oh, fine,"

    I went back to thinking about the dream and how enlarged I had become. I was looking like Miku, only she didn't look quite as large as I did because she wasn't deathly skinny like I am. Looking down at Toshihiro, I imagined that a baby that size was in my tummy in my dream. I didn't understand how women could give birth to such a large human being. It would hurt too much in my opinion. But in my dream, I wasn't giving birth the typical way. I wasn't even giving birth; the baby was ripping right through me as it did Miku. But was Miku's stomach that tender? And how would being pregnant with a half Vampire be any different than being pregnant with a half Werewolf?

    I shook my head violently, shaking the dream out of my head in case anybody was still listening. By the looks of it, nobody was, but they were curious. I shouldn't be thinking about being pregnant with a half Vampire because even I know that Kai and I wouldn't go that far. But...we're engaged...

    I gagged and stuck out my tongue, "Ewwwww,"

    Everbody looked over at me in confusion and I fake smiled, "It's nothing. Just a thought." I bent over and handed Toshihiro over to Miku and she reposed Toshihiro on her chest again with his head resting on her neck.

    "Orihime?" Miku mumbled and Orihime gave Miku her attention. "What do baby halflings eat and drink?"

    "Half Werewolf babies can eat and drink almost everything, but it's better to feed them normal nutrition. Since they are half human, they need to even out both strengths." Orihime told Miku easily.

    Miku frowned, "Then how will I breast-feed Toshihiro? He'll gnaw my boob off."

    At that, Takeuchi boomed in laughter again and Kai was laughing a little more than usual too. Matsuda chuckled and Orihime smiled at Miku. Miku looked too exhausted to laugh much. She still seemed as though she were in pain, despite it's been a day and a half since Toshihiro was born.

    "We bought a pump," Orihime told Miku, "so you won't have to breast-feed him directly."

    Okay, this talk about babies and breast-feeding was getting to me. I bid my franic farewells and left Takeuchi's room, not surprised to notice Kai following me shortly after. I sat on the couch near the fireplace and sighed while burying my face in my hands. Kai stood near me--a few feet away--and looked down at me.

    "So...what's with the weird attitude?" he asked me.

    "It's nothing," I sighed, panicking inside.

    "Is it something I did?" he inched himself closer. "Did I do something wrong last night?"

    I shot my head up and stared at him in disbelief, "No! You did nothing wrong!"

    "It's not the ring?" he looked down a little and tilted his head.

    I shook my head, "No," I sighed. "It was just the dream I had."

    "Tell me about it,"

    I didn't understand why I kept provoking him to ask me about my dream if I didn't even want him to know about it. I'm just bad at planning my words. Maybe something was telling me to let him know since, well, it involved him...and me...and a baby...

    "Um, well--" I started nervously until I was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

    Kai perked up instantly and sniffed the air subtly. His eyes turned to both surprise and concern. He left me and went into the hallway that lead to the front door and planted himself where he was, staring at the way of the front door in apathy. I hopped off of the couch--relieved at being spared shortly of my dream--and went to stand next to Kai. Kai held one arm out to me slowly, preventing me from moving forward any more. I gently pushed my way around Kai's arm and stood at his side and looked over in the direction he was. I lost my breath and froze where I was as I witnessed no other than Kira standing at the front door.