• "His name was John... He was born on April 3rd 1800... And this is his story from his point of view..."
    John: "Mommy where are we heading to?" That was all I could ask as I saw the bunch of ppl standing their in front of me...
    Mom: "Johnny honey we're going to see an old priest."
    John: "Um why? I wanna go home!"
    Dad: "John! Knock it off right now... See that group of boys? Go play with them..."
    John: I was more than happy to get out of there. But I didn't wanna play with the boys. So I ran off and went into the forest. And when I was pretty deep in the forest I bumped into a lady. She was pale and every beautiful. "S-s-sorry lady..." I noticed that she mouthed her name and that it was Gena.
    Gena: "It's okay John."
    John: "How do you know my name?"
    Gena: "John you're my son!"
    John: What the hell was she saying? "Um no sorry I'm not."
    Gena: "Come home with me? You can play with toys and I'll let you eat whatever you want!"
    John: As stupid as I was I went...
    Gena: "Me and you're father need to talk about you're human life John. We don't want to see you get older than 18!"
    John: I swallowed and slowly walked to my new mother and father...