• Once upon a time there was a beautiful kingdom made out of glass. This kingdom, built of tall crystal buildings, sparkling glass cottages and shining people that walked around in small clear shoes that went tink against the glass roads. Light sparkled and twinkled through the city, casting glittering shadows and mystical patterns. And everyday at seven o’clock, though sometimes a little before and sometimes a little after, a large earthquake rumbled in this beautiful city, and the shining buildings crumbled and the tiny people broke into pieces, hitting the ground like raindrops. The glass roads cracked and the silvery trees tumbled down, cascading over everything in a soft twinkling melody. Then at around nine o’clock, though sometimes a little before and sometimes a little after, a rainbow appeared, to shine through the glass creating kaleidoscopic rainbows. And under these rainbows, the little glass people reassembled themselves, and rebuilt their city. This happened every day without fail, the beautiful city shattered and rebuilt from the inside out, again, and again, and again. The people of the glass city did not really mind rebuilding their city, each time trying to make it stronger and more beautiful, it was the shattering that they didn’t like, because every time the city fell to pieces and was rebuilt, none of the pieces ever fit quite the same, and though the people loved their city enough to repeat the cycle over and over again, they knew that someday, the pieces would be put back together all wrong and the city would shatter into a million fragments for one last time.