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Artist Info:
Me, my name is Lucas Teddy Wilbanks, and I've lived in Vegas my whole life. I have no parents, It's just been my sister and I since and I for as long as i can remember. I am now 20 years old, eventually going to Air Force Reserve. I don't really want to join the air force, I have never wanted anything to do with the military and their childish wars, but, It's the only thing i can do to get an education. My sister is 15 and moving away with some guardians, she is a trouble maker, always doing drugs and finding some way to screw things up and piss alot of people off, but, i still hope she will clean herself up and pass highschool. <br />
Besides all that depressing stuff, I am a really cool guy! xd I have alot of friends and never make enemies. I practically couch hope from friend to friend right now waiting for my ship day to come out. I love playing video games, and drawing. I tink around with computers alot, hopping to go to school to learn in depth stuff about 'em so i can do more cool stuff. I have a "clan" my close friends and I, we are the Bears, and we are loyal to eachother, and go above and beyond to do anything for eachother, I don't ever think i will lose them, they will always be there in my life, they are the only one's that ever have. <br />
I sometimes feel I have found my reason to be here on this earth. I watch everyday as I go around and help people, I see slowly as I change people's lifes around me. I think to myself, "what if i hadn't been here for them? Where would they be right now?" I have helped people through and out of suicide. I have given people a close friend, someone they can always rely on. Where would they be if I hadn't randomly moved over here, joined their school, bumped into them on a bus? Where would these people be? All the events in my life have led me somewhere and still are leading me somewhere. Let's hope you're in my path, maybe I'll change your life. biggrin I'm not religious at all, but i do believe in the possibilities of everything.<br />
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- Avg. rating:
- angry gothy c...
- Painting And Drawing
- 241 recent comments
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