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    [Man behind Ichigo's stats. Gender:Male Hair:Orange Eye:Blue Height:6'2 Age:18]-Yes that's me fused with Ichigo. xD We have such a resemblance.(pic made for me by freind.)<br />
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    Fu....sion........<br />
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    ...HA!<br />
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    PENGUINS!<br />
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    Ichigo is a 15-year-old who attempts to cultivate a detached image, for which he keeps his eyebrows constantly furrowed. Ichigo has natural orange hair, a fact that annoys many bullies in his school, who constantly pick fights with him.[14] Ichigo claims that he does not care what others think and seems to enjoy fighting the bullies. Ichigo has been friends with Tatsuki Arisawa since he was young when he trained karate at the same dojo as her. Tatsuki is his oldest friend and they go to the same school now. While in junior high school, Ichigo met and befriended Yasutora "Chad" Sado, a boy from another school who helped him out of a fight. Chad, although extremely strong, was often the target of beatings because he refused to fight for his own sake due to a promise he had made as a child to his grandfather. Upon discovering this, Ichigo made a pact with Chad in which they both agreed to fight and risk their lives for something the other was willing to risk their life for. Ichigo comments that thanks to Rukia his life changed, and thanks to her he is able to protect the people he cares for.[15]<br />
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    Ichigo's blunt personality, aggressive behaivor, and short temper give the impression that he is a rude person. Ichigo is actually extremely kind hearted and sensitive, he could never pass by someone in need of help. He cares for his friends and performs heroic deeds just because he wants to help. On the side of Ichigo's heart, he tends to be very spastic and overreact quite often.<br />
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    When Ichigo was nine, his mother, Masaki Kurosaki, was killed by the hollow Grand Fisher, although Ichigo did not find out the true cause of her death until early in the main Bleach storyline.[16] Prior to learning about this, Ichigo felt guilty for his mother's death, blaming himself for wandering too close to the water and causing her to put herself in harm's way to save him. Even after that, Masaki's death continues to influence Ichigo by causing him to feel guilt for his inability to protect those close to him. Since then, Ichigo lives with his father Isshin Kurosaki and his two younger sisters, Yuzu and Karin. His father runs a small medical clinic.<br />
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