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  • Artist Info: I watch a lot of Anime. I love Sailor Moon forever and always. I have favorites in every genre for anime and manga. I would like to have a job where I read manga or watch anime all day and have people ask me for my opinions.<br />
    It's not that I don't have dreams, I just don't know where to start. Seeing others achieve in an area that I haven't makes me disappointed in myself. People say that I am shameless, but that's not true, I just don't care what others think of my actions 4laugh <br />
    I don't hide the fact that puppies kitties, cats, and doggies make my heart go 'kyuuuu~n' cause they are damn funny and cute heart My pup is hilarious and I always want to see her and spoil her with walkies. <br />
    I enjoy being with people who are interesting. Their drama in life is entertaining for me to listen or watch. I listen to gossip but I don't repeat someone's secrets unless it is to keep them from hurting themselves. I talk a lot about myself, my thoughts, and experiences and sometimes don't know when to stfu, but those who known me best will tell me it's time to quiet down. <br />
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