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^.~<br /><br />
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Since July 18th, 2008, 2:55 p.m O,o -gaspeh- XD<br /><br />
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MMMKAY well i'd be ev -waves to nobody- =D or a can be called huguetta/moo/doughnut/mofo hoe/daughter (or mother)/twitchy/drea drea (i could go on but thats the most popular used nicknames ;O ) Oh by the way my real name is not listed this would be cuz i hate my name ^_^ i wont tell you it so dont ask. I like sketching and bla bla, im a lazy person but no not like an american XDD or the po po (no offence please xD ) oh i play soccer, i would be the keeper =] if you dont like the sport i'm fine with that XD...i really dont like alot of people espically posers...its not as much that i dont like people it's just they use you,hurt you,break you and basically take you apart ...people who think they have big egos annoy me no one is better then the next person...(exceptions for some things though >__> )i'm _ _ _ no further use of explaining, i dont believe in labels. I do admit something that i'm a mistake, and there is no further use for me but i guess people get to me with saying something differ....oh and lets just put it this way im STRAIGHT xD haha its just i have some crazy ass freinds but still i support people who are they deserve to be happy =] people disagreeing with this FOO-CHA ...oh and about my freinds they are the most important thing to me here on gaia they are Alex (x3),Kat, Kenji, Syarah if you dont know who they are it's pretty obvious cuz they are all over my pro xD ...if i dont like you its because you dissed my freinds or something i like...i will show it to because i will not be the "everything is alright" person..oh yesh and im "special" XD nah me and my freinds are crazy ;O...i'm also a retarted duck that goes moo raised by an azian (emma) and mexican (danille) oh and i have a daughter (kat) XD my father (emma) has to many wives to list XD all azian men haha...she is a moo-cow btw ;O ...hummz back to my freinds, i have many but only a few i lable as so. i have many problems with letting people into my life but those have are very dear to me ...i luff them x3 i would do anything for them ^__^ my fav vids on youtube are SMOSH hellz yeah ;3 ... oh and dont worry im not one of those lol people XD i'm more on the lines of an "xD" spazz...i sing in the bathroom :] .....oh yes inside jokes x3 (if you dont understand then your an outsider o.o ) -"WHAT?!?!? i care about Tom Cruise!" , Oprah (what more can i say XD), "DID my brothers BOOBS just get groped?!?!?", siclical vomiting sydrome, gangster man, pink squirlles, hobos, and many more but hey you will hear em eventually x3 ...my favorite color would be -dramatic pause- PURPLE=o -lee gasp- ...oh btw i dont give hugs to people only people i really care bout =] ...and if you accually read all this then WOO you know about 1% of me =] ...ohhz here is a list of dislikes and likes x3 <br />
Facts about muah-<br />
I talk in my sleep-I sing badly on purpose to annoy people-I laugh too much-I love meh kitty- I think "the Happening" is hysterical-i'm slow (sometimes >__> wink shut your face kat-I find people annoying XD-Ducks are my friends-I think flamingos have thupa fly knees-i'm psychotic-I think it's funny when people fall-I'm extremely good at persuasion-I am very sarcastic-I have set myself on fire two times =]-Some people think me and my best friend are gay for each other D;-I find it creepy when people know y name and I don't know the Oo-I used to rp A LOT-me and kat invented the glitter bomb XD-I can do the moon walk-random dancing is in my favor-I know the boxman dance =]-I laugh at over protective people XD-I believe America needs to simmer down-I hope the troops get out of Iraq BEFORE 2011-when I was little I enjoyed killing ants XD-I gots myself a pen pal named Jimmy-I believe action figures can be gay models too icon_heart.gif-I greet people with head buts-me and Kayla invented the emo flamingo-I can make myself cry XD-I can do the handcuff trick (when your hands are cuffed behind your back and you put the over your head and in front of you)-I think that if a tree fell in the forest and hit a mime no one would care..-I can do the mime escaping a box tis funneh-I have my own world and only kat understands it XD-there are two of me nanana -pointsto kat-I mastered the lisp<br /><br />
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Meh dream avi<br /><br />
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Since all my writing is gone... ._. i shall write this again<br />
Here's to my friends <3<br />
Syarah-you are my bang buddeh D; and yah know how it goes xD but at the same time your my mother? anyways ;O i lubbers joo and all your strange demented ness :3 don't change <3<br />
(woking on it)<br />
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multiple screen tits =]<br /><br />
could it be why yes it could its titty time <3<br />
yes snow people will rape yo' asses >]stuck...
see o.o
we tend to have that affect..
having fun?
yup :'D
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kissy kiss fo' ev =o ? XDthis is true =]
damn smexy ;D
thats my daughter! =D
we are clones razz
newbs.. xD
rawr thats ight >,..,>
a lil inspection >>
haha yesh xD
bang yo' dead XD
sleepy time ehh Xx staying up for like 30 hours
haha xD
daughter flash XD
best question ever asked i should say o.o
Xx gahh
mkaeing bbys XD
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kitti fo' mwh =Dpsh i have no clue what he's talking bout XD
XDD wew rape time
i dont think thats what he's doing >>perhaps something starting with m XD
:'o they steal our toast v.v
well...it is!!!?!?
true o.o
XD ...-squash-
haha what do you think box's are for?
err i can explain o.o"
well i deserved that XD
kat needs some clothes xD
yeah your screwed XD
she said bewbties i say tubes XD
-makes airplane noises-
omg my BeWbIeS
tisss it's on fire;D
xD sexy time with my buddy !
it's just that hot ;P
._. ...can't rape the willing
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best screen shot of all ;P<br />
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meh :B<br /><br />
This would be my friends and I dressing up as gangsters xD (me=dark blue hat)<br /><br />
:'D here is meh with all my perty fly stuffs 8]<br /><br />
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- Avg. rating:
- 2 Fans
- Bloody friend
- Painting And Drawing
- 2 recent comments
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