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Artist Info:
A few basics about me:<br />
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1) I write freelance stories on fanfiction.net.<br />
2) I idolize the character Lara Croft. It's strange to have a game character be one you admire but looking at her deeper will explain why. She's physically and mentally tough, is fascinated by all things concerning the mysteries of the ancient world, and can still maintain what makes her a woman. Who wouldn't admire that?<br />
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3) I'm extremely spiritual, not religious. I'm a very devout Christian and nothing anyone could possibly say can change that but I don't believe in the necessity of attending church. Personally, I feel like attending church and having so many people be included in your personal relationship with God can cloud your judgment. There are churches that are extremely conservative and display so much hatred towards those that are out of the norm. If the followers of those churches would just listen to what God is trying to tell them, they'd understand what he meant by 'love thy neighbor'.<br />
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4) Political Views: I'm a moderate/conservative democrat. I'm not fond of all the political sides that only agree with whatever a democrat or whatever a republican says is right or wrong. I actually agree with some republicans and I believe in some democrats. It just so happens that democrats hold more beliefs that I do. During the 2008 election, I was actually hoping for Hillary Clinton's win. John McCain held a favorable opinion in my mind as well (then he added Palin to the ticket). Obama, as amazing of a person he may be, wasn't who I would've chosen to be president but we have to make the best of who America's chosen and I believe in his capabilities. He has a good support system around him.<br />
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5) I'm a youtube junkie. The only life I have is school, going out with my friends occasionally, and the internet. 8 times out of 10, I'll be on youtube watching amazing videos. Right now, I'm a YGOTAS fanatic!<br />
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6) I've discovered a deep love for art. My AP 2-D Studio Art class has resurrected my love for artistry and I love painting and using colored pencils in my sketchbook. My love for art has also extended to me actually using makeup. My favorite youtube makeup artist has to be Michelle Phan because she actually is an artist. Creativity is the one thing is love to the ends of the earth and seeing the creativity of her tutorials is really refreshing to see. ThePortraitArt is also extremely creative. I've heard of using mediums of charcoal, pencil, and pen...but never chocolate syrup! This person is truly an expert and when I have a stable job, I know I'll be asking for some portraits and landscapes from this amazing person.<br />
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7) Anything you'd like to learn about me, just message me on anything you'd like to talk about. I love meeting new people. I'd prefer that you keep language to a minimum though, I'm not fond of foul language and rude comments (not that it hurts my feelings but it's irritating to read)<br />
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If you're a fan of yaoi (more power to ya!), Yu-Gi-Oh!, Lady GaGa and/or makeup and art, just go ahead and send me a friend request because I feel we'll get along nicely! =D - Avg. rating:
- 4 Fans
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- Painting And Drawing
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