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Artist Info:
Name:<br />
<br />
レミリア・スカーレット (♫)<br />
Remilia Scarlet<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Species:<br />
<br />
Vampire<br />
<br />
Abilities:<br />
<br />
Manipulation of fate<br />
<br />
Age:<br />
<br />
Approximately 600 years old<br />
<br />
Occupation:<br />
<br />
Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion<br />
<br />
Location:<br />
<br />
Scarlet Devil Mansion<br />
<br />
Description:<br />
<br />
Red eyes, light-blue hair In a ponytail, pair of black bat-like wings on back. Wears a black corset with red patterns and trimming, Black/red thigh-high heeled boots with Red souls, an Overskirt with a covering over her crotch, a black hairbow made of Satan silk to help keep her ponytail in place, Long, black elbow-length gloves with scarlet Bracelets made of a material similar to diamond, but much rarer.<br />
<br />
Relationships:<br />
<br />
Flandre Scarlet (Younger sister)<br />
Patchouli Knowledge (Self Proclaimed Wife)<br />
Sakuya Izayoi (Chief maid)<br />
Hong Meiling (Gatekeeper)<br />
Anzu Scarlet (Daughter)<br />
Takumi Komeiji (Friend)<br />
Annette Soleil (Friend)<br />
Satsuki Myouriko (Friend)<br />
Shourei Hong (Daughter of Meiling, Friend, Gatekeeper)<br />
<br />
<br />
Appearances:<br />
<br />
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Final Boss)<br />
Perfect Cherry Blossom (Ending No. 3,4,8,9)<br />
Immaterial and Missing Power (Playable Character, Possible Opponent)<br />
Imperishable Night (Playable Character)<br />
Phantasmagoria of Flower View (Ending No. 3)<br />
Shoot the Bullet (Stage 7-2, 7-4, 7-6, 7-8 Boss)<br />
Mountain of Faith (Ending No. 2(Cameo))<br />
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (Playable Character, Possible Opponent)<br />
<br />
Basis and some History:<br />
<br />
Remilia is the owner and head of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the mistress of Sakuya and Meiling, and the older sister (and guardian) of Flandre. Though her appearance (and often behavior) is childlike and seems nonthreatening, she has fearsome magical powers and a reputation to match, being known throughout Gensokyo as the dangerous "Scarlet Devil." Like all vampires she is photosensitive and weakens when exposed to sunlight, so she typically remains inside her mansion (which has few windows to prevent light getting in) during the day and emerges during the night. While she is naturally known to drink human blood, her light appetite means her victims almost never die from their wounds.<br />
In Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Remilia decided to release a mist over Gensokyo to block out the sun and let her move freely during the day; after her scheme was discovered and halted, she was forced to use a parasol to shade herself when she wanted to move around during daylight hours (as mentioned in Immaterial and Missing Power). In Imperishable Night she headed out to punish the ones who took the full moon from the night sky since the fighting would be at night. In Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, she settles her "own" investigation by ordering Sakuya to drag the suspects to her, in order to find the culprit, figuring later that the culprit is above the mountains, where she is very prone to the light.<br />
<br />
While her behavior is usually self-centered and somewhat bratty, it is possible to befriend her; however, humans and youkai alike prefer to avoid her. Her name, appearance, house, and clothing all indicate she is European in origin and emigrated to Japan many years ago. She claims to be a descendant of the world's most notorious vampire, Count Vlad Ţepeş Dracul, but this is a bald-faced lie.<br />
<br />
Fun Facts:<br />
<br />
As the older sister, she is commonly called 「お嬢様」 ("ojou-sama" wink by fans, and is what is primarily used to refer to her. Whenever Flandre refers to her sister, though, she is called 「お姉様」 ("onee-sama" wink . Another common nickname is 「れみりゃ」 or "Remirya."<br />
There is a common joke that Sakuya calls her 「おぜうさま」 ("ozeu-sama" wink instead, which has made it a very common nickname for her. The old pronunciation of 「お嬢様」is "ojiyau-sama" (おぢやうさま) but in the Edo period, "jou" was colloquially written as "zeu," like "dozeu" etc.<br />
Due to "The Young Descendant of Tepes", the title of the prelude theme to the final boss stage of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she has been sometimes linked to Count Dracula's lineage. This is because Dracula's full name is Vlad Ţepeş Dracul. However, ZUN denied that she is related to the Dracul family, although in character, Remilia herself asserts that she is a descendant of Ţepeş. Some fandom state that she is lying however.<br />
Like most vampires, Remilia has the power of shapeshifting at her disposal and can change into a bat. However, unlike most vampires, her wings remain visible even when she is in human form, making it impossible to pass herself off completely as a human.<br />
Remilia is not only Sakuya's master but the one who gave Sakuya her name (according to Perfect Memento). Considering Sakuya's murky past and the unlikelihood of a human becoming a vampire's servant, the leading theory is that Sakuya was once a vampire hunter, and Remilia earned Sakuya's servitude by besting her in combat.<br />
According to Gensokyo's timeline, Remilia was born in the year 1503, making her, as well as her sister, two of very few characters whose birth dates are actually known.<br />
One of Remilia's weapons is the Gungnir, a spear that is described as having the ability to always hit its mark. Like Flandre's signature weapon, Remilia's Gungnir holds a strong magic, but at a lesser level than Flandre's Lævateinn.<br />
It is quite coincidental that Remilia's appearance was in the 6th Touhou game. She is the Stage 6 boss, and the player will fight through 6 spell cards on that stage on any playable difficulty (Remilia has 5 spell cards total and Sakuya has 1 on that stage). When these numbers are all put together, it reads "666", best known as the "number of the beast".<br />
Some fan works have postulated that Remilia uses her power to manipulate fate unconsciously. Otherwise, it would be far too great a power. For instance, if she was able to control a person's fate actively, she could have made it Reimu's fate to lose to her. However, ZUN has hinted otherwise in Sakuya's Perfect Memento in Strict Sense article, where Akyu has speculated that Remilia may have manipulated Sakuya's fate in such a way that she could have a more friendly relationship with other human beings. Should that prove to be true, it would mean that Remilia can indeed intentionally, or at least consciously, manipulate fate.<br />
In Touhou Hisoutensoku, if the player places a custom parasol system card in Remilia's deck, she'll be able to fight in stages outside.<br />
In fanworks, whenever Remilia becomes embarrassed or humiliated, it is often referred to as a "Charisma Break" by the fanbase due to this being a contrast to her very charismatic personality.<br />
A common meme regarding Remilia is 「れみりあ!うー☆」 ("Remilia! Uu-☆" wink which people think is cute.<br />
Rachel Alucard from Blazblue seems to greatly take after Remilia in several ways, as well as Evangeline A.K. Mcdowell from Mahou Sensei Negima. - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
~Evelin is a
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secret. During
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