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Artist Info:
Well for those of you who know me and those who don't hi ^^ my names Luzanne, i guess the thing to say about me is that im odd an random.. i'm not really part of a croud because i'm to strange to be in anyone of them and i guess i'm proud of it because i mean come on who really want to be normal anyways or a sheep for that fact... I Studyed philosophy an history ^^ i know weird, but its realh fun.. I Work ina pub resturant, and The Natural History Museum in London, in the Paleontology department cataloging fossils and cleaniing and reboxing them. If theres anything else yew wanna know, just ask im listening =]<br />
<br />
Music:<br />
SHAKALABBITS, An Cafe, Dir En Grey, Alice Nine, Abingdon Boys School, L.MC, MUCC, Miyavi, Snow, ON/OFF, Kanon Wakeshima, Nightmare (ナイトメア), Sugizo, Super Junior T, Perfume, Asian Kungfu Generation, Cool Joke, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Okina Reika, Tainaka Sachi, Plastic Tree, Atreyu, Bullet For My Valentine, Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, Nirvana, Hundred Reasons, Bleeding through, Less than Jake, Hell is for Heroes, Billy Talent, Enter Shikari(seen em live an they jsut keep getting better!!), Funerla for a Friend, PorcupineTree, RX Bandits, Rish, Rise Against, Inme, Ill Nino, Santana, Say Anything, We The Kings, Kisschasy, The Smiths, Still Remains,Our Lady Peace, The Format, Wednesday13, Thousand Foot Kutch, Lost Prophets, Linkin Park, NOFX, Jimmy Eat World, Zipperface, Intraverse, Jonas 3, Wumpscut, Front242, Funker Vogt, ButEngel, Combichrist, Stendal Blas, Velvet Acid Christ. etc...<br />
<br />
Films: <br />
any Horror, Sci-Fi , Action, Anime, Kung-fu... lawl jsut not romance eww<br />
<br />
Hates<br />
Nedles, fakers i mean come one whats the point!, people who think their better than everone else, chocolate (im allergic to to much suger =[ )<br />
<br />
Likes: <br />
people who are themselves, pocky ^^ (yum), anime, drawing i have tonssss of drawings, reading, cooking, haing out with my friends an being there for them, meeting new people, japenes (im sorta learning it), and concerts... yew get the idea<br />
<br />
Happiest When:<br />
hanging out with Lara my best friend [ heaven_knows],an james cos their legends ^^.. i love buggin my friend luke because he does the funnest things when yew wind him up, and of course listening to music...<br />
<br />
My hero's:<br />
Kurt Cobain, Benny Hill, Marilyn Manson, Joey Jordson, Jon Crosby, Wayne Static, Brad Hursh, Nick Holmes, Gregor Mackintosh, Matt Archer, James Farrell....<br />
- Avg. rating:
- 10 Fans
- anti love >...
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- miss midnight
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