- Sekryph's Gallery
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Artist Info:
My name's Mandy. I'm not new here; I've been here for a while.<br />
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I'm 20. Bisexual and freaky.<br />
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I'm a Scorpio trapped in the body of a Gemini.<br />
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I'm 3rd generation Italian, 1/4 Egyptian from my maternal grandmother..<br />
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I work as a confectioner. It's a sweet job, no pun intended. My specialties are chocolate truffles, taffy, caramels, lollipops, rice paper, and gelato. I don't care to talk about my education; someone's degree does not a person make. I'll have you know I abhor poor <br />
English, though. <br />
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My work shifts vary, I'm up and around at all hours of the day.<br />
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Make me laugh and I'll be your friend. I enjoy a good joke, but sometimes I can't tell if I'm being joked with! Please send a little nudge nudge wink wink my way please and all will be well. I have had the habit of snorting like a pig when I laugh ever since I was a kid. It's endearing. <br />
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I believe in the power of kindness and Disney Magic.<br />
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I live in Sin City. <br />
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My favorite animals are any animal that is known for being clever or wise. (I.E. Fox, Coyote, Tanuki, Badger, Wolf, Raven/Crow, Turtle, Owl, Cat, Pig, Octopus, Parrot, etc.)<br />
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I enjoy RPing, lolcats, GaiaOnline, candy, cooking, demonology, shopping, hot weather, snow cones, video games, sharp objects, opera, and various other activities.<br />
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I dislike illiteracy, bicycles, Facebook, Tumblr, seafood, germs, invertebrates, the color pink, cheap poor quality anything.<br />
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If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I'm very agreeable!<br />
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