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Artist Info:
Yo The name's Dog Hanyo Kotaro. You can just call me Dog, Hanyo, or Kotaro.<br /><br />
<br />
Cosplayer<br />
As a cosplayer I tend to A LOT but as of right now I'm braindead. When I do get an idea it'll most likely be from Bleach or Negima or some anime I just recently watched or will watch soon. Any more and I'll let ya know cool <br />
<br />
Dog Hanyo Kotaro<br />
I picked the name because I feel I have a lot in common with the character Kotaro himself. For instance we're both hotheads sometimes, and we both do reckless things.<br />
<br />
Likes<br />
--> Tsundere Izumo Kamiki heart heart <br />
--> Pizza Rolls (Love em to death >=3)<br />
-->Megaman, Yu Yu Hakusho, Final Fantasy, DBZ, Negima, Pokemon, I could go on but wayyyy too many to name hehe.<br />
--> Likes to draw but am not very good at it. If someone can give me some pointers that would help a lot. wink <br />
<br />
Dislikes<br />
--> Trolling. Don't get me wrong I like it as much as the next guy but troll me too much and I won't speak to you for a long time.<br />
--> Spammers, Hackers, Scriptors. I hate all 3 with a fiery hot passion especially when you're in towns just having a good time and they screw it up.<br />
---> When people say I love chicken just because I'm black (Yes I'm black. Problem?) Ticks me right off -.-<br />
---> Random requests - Talk to me first and get to know me first why don't ya =/<br />
---> People that bash on anime and say american cartoons/comics are better.<br />
<br />
Person<br />
--> Well for starters the name's Michael. Any nicknames you wanna give me to help you remember me is fine just nothing too offensive ya know. <br />
--> Age: 21. Yes I feel old on here ewe;<br />
--> Height: 5'9/6'0<br />
--> I'm generally a nice person to know and be around though I tend to joke around more than just talk. So if I joke when it's not appropriate just tell me and I'll stop. I can be serious if given the situation. <br />
--> I'm kinda on the fence about donating to people other than friends. <br />
--> I do have a cell so PM or meebo me if you wanna text. Well that about wraps up About me look below for a list of my contacts and come by again~ 3nodding cool 3nodding
<br />Contacts<br />--> Skype: michaelbutler.349<br />--> MSN: Hyourinmaru38@hotmail.com<br />--> Yahoo: Mangaboy62@yahoo.com<br />--> DeviantArt: HubstyleMegaman - Avg. rating:
- 2 Fans
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