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To everyone who is and is not reading this,<br />
I apologize in advanced for me being a horrid, n00by poop who, when she was young, was quite a douche and so has a terrible history of things on gaia. Terrible roleplaying, terrible drawing, terribly everything ever. I sincerely hope you will be able to tolerate me without getting too irritated. <br />
Ex oh ex oh,<br />
keeksta. - Avg. rating:
Starz was an up
and raising
bad, everyone
in the city
know of them
and had at
least one song
of thei - Like a Melody
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
16 year-old
Margret McKenny
had always been
different ever
since she could
remember. so
what happen - Bound Prologue
- Fiction
- 1 recent comments
Here is a
glimpse of my
bleach fanfic.
Some people may
have read it on
fanfic but I
got bored and
fe - HOpes run High
- Fiction
- 2 recent comments
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