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- Artist Info: Greetings and salutations. My Name is Aaliyah Vontessa O'Neil ,or for those who already know me, just call me Li-Li, or whatever makes you feel comfortable. I am Sixteen years old,Female.black/Afro Amer, Mixed with a lillte bit of Ethiopian and Latino. So which ever term you want to use to call my culture go ahead..Birthday is August 5.I like to sing, act, dance, and draw. My sexual orientation is bisexual. And I could give a flying fuck about how your religion feels about me or what your religion says about me or where I am going. I am Single. I guess I am love sick.My favorite sport is volleyball. Love playing games like kingdom hearts. Favorite color: Green Favorite food: Sloppy Joe Favorite movie: Step-Brothers And i guess that is all you need to know.
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