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Artist Info:
Please Read My Writing!<br />
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~Basic Introduction~<br />
Nicknames: Em, Emily, Nalia, buttcheek(inside joke) XD <br />
Age:15<br />
Birthday:December 1st<br />
Birthplace:in the emergency room, North Dokota<br />
Current Location:in my room biggrin <br />
Eye color: dusty cloud gray blue (urgh)<br />
Hair color:a natural blonde biggrin <br />
Height:5,4<br />
Weight:not obbess that's for sure >.< (117lbs)<br />
Lefty or Righty:righty<br />
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius<br />
What do you drive?:wait, when did i get a lisence? O.o<br />
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~Favorites~<br />
Color: Black, purple, red, ^^ wait dat's 3 sweatdrop <br />
Number: 3!<br />
Band: hmmm between system of a down, and slipknot oh and shinedown <br />
Music Genre: Heavy metal, hard rock, rock, alternative<br />
TV show: house<br />
Movie: biggrin Ha Matilda!<br />
Actor: uhhh the boss on the office?>.<<br />
Actress: idk<br />
Movie Genre: Action, Comedy (horrors to scary!)<br />
Cartoon: umm Fosters home for imanginary friends<br />
Sport: SWIMMING, (southern's disvionals champ right here) yeah im micheal phelps...that's a girl....that doesn't smoke pot. HE STILL MY ROLE MODEL NO MATTER WHAT!!! unless he kills me. then it's different.<br />
Fast Food Restraunt: umm Sonic!<br />
Food: ha mexican <br />
Cereal: i likie cheerios X] souds british<br />
Drink: Sprite<br />
Alcoholic Beverage: umm *bad memeories* i think il drink beer when i turn 27.<br /><br />
<br />
~Do You?~<br />
Have any siblings?: yes 2 sisters. i_i I middle child<br />
Have any pets?: 4 chihuahua's, 1 dalmation, and a yellow bird.NO IM SERIOUS!!! i got's pictures. just ask.<br />
Have any fears?: umm i fear water spraying sprinklers. O.O<br />
Have a bedtime?: urgh yes. 10:00<br />
Sing in the shower?: if i feel fantastic ^_^<br />
Want to go to colledge?: Yeah! all nighters baby!<br />
Get along with your parents?: no<br />
Have any piercings?: other than my ears?, no<br />
Have any tattoos?: not yet<br />
Swear?: only when i get mad. >.<<br />
Smoke?: Hell no scream <br />
Drink?: water, soda and juice yes.<br />
Do Drugs?: no....<br /><br />
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~Love and all that crap~<br />
Ever been in love?: nope<br />
Ever cheated on someone?: hell no, im a nice person >.><br />
Are you single?:yes im single<br />
Do you have a crush on gaia?: hehe yes. >.<<br />
Do you have a crush in real life?: lol very much >.<<br />
Ever been dumped: nope<br />
Ever dumped someone?: yes<br /><br />
<br />
~This or That~<br />
Fruit or Vegitable?: Fruit! <br />
Black or White?: im not racsit! but i like the color black better.<br />
Lights on or off?: XD off. >.<<br />
TV or Movies?: Movies!<br />
Car or Truck?: car<br />
Cash or Check?: cash! $<br />
Rap or Rock?: is that a question? rock all the way baby!<br />
Chocolate or Vanilla?: (another racsit question) vanilla.<br />
French Toast or French Fries?: duh, mashed potatoes!<br />
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberrys! XD<br />
Spring break or Winter break?: spring break<br />
Hugs or Kisses: there both great aren't they! XOXO<br /><br />
<br />
~Have you Ever?~<br />
Danced in a public place?: yes, very badly i might add<br />
Smiled for no reason?: yes and then got slapped in the face<br />
Laughed so hard you cried?: hell ya, it was so funny then got sad.<br />
Talked to someone you don't know?: yes<br />
Drank alcoho?l: i took a sip ok?!<br />
Done drugs?: nope lol drug free bloodstream.<br />
Partied 'til the sun came up?: not yet...<br />
Gotten a ticket?: i can't drive cry <br />
Been arrested?: O.O maybe.... na<br />
Been convicted of a crime?: well hasn't everybody!<br />
Been in a wreck?: uhh define reck.<br />
Been out of the country?: yes i live in italy!! wait that's out of the country right??<br /><br />
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~My Answers to Critical Thinking Questions~<br />
If God Sneezed, what would you say?: Bless you! duh <br />
If you got scared half to death twice, would you be dead???: na i would have time to recover from the last half. <br />
If Barbie is so popular, then whey do you have to buy her friends?: because they sued her for not getting any publicity even though they're on her television shows.<br />
Do vegitarians eat animal crackers?: since im vegitarian i don't.<br />
If 7 - 11 is open 24 hours, why are there locks on the doors?: so invisiable hobos don't come in. It's a secret protection >_><br />
If the #2 pencil is so popular, then why is it called #2 insted of #1?:because 2 is more than 1, which makes it better ^.^ <br />
If no one's perfect then how come we have to practice?: so we can try to be perfect! duh<br />
If you swallow a rainbow what color does it turn?: u can swallow rainbows? o.O<br />
Why do they call them Apple Jacks, if they don't taste like apple?: Well, they do include the apple in the commercials ... but cinnamon always takes over and i don't know why! let's start a patition! > neutral <br />
[If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do they all have to drown?:hmmmm idk. <br />
If a quiz is quizzical. Then what's a test?: duh, testical, woah that doesn't sound right. no wonder they don't have a word for that. O.O<br />
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~awsome, funny pic's and icons!~<br /><br />
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