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Artist Info:
Name: Sam Johnson<br />
Age: ???<br />
i am: A Raven.....<br />
I like: Music, role-play and killin'<br />
Gender :..... I'm a male, you know.<br />
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So, I'm a teen who enjoys reading, playing video games, music, drawing, anime, socializing and making music.<br />
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I come from England, and I'm living in Chicago right now. I came to the U.S about 3 years ago? Not the greatest place, but Aye, it suffices. <br />
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I enjoy games like Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry, Tekken, Need for Speed, Halo, Soul Calibur and pretty much a lot more. I play Xbox and I do have an XBOX Live. My gamertag is Raven57p. I also play PS3 but not much online, since I just got it. (Like March 2013) and I'm enjoying A little bit of Tekken Tag 2, Bayonetta, and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.<br />
But less about games, and a little more about me, I like to talk to you guys, but this account is deserted lol. Add me up on KurayamiKarasu<br />
<br />
http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/kurayamikarasu/21200193/<br />
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Sayonara! -Former Hedgehog smile
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