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Artist Info:
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Hello good people of Gaia!!<br />
... God that was lame.<br />
I'm Kenia. I'm 18. Nice to meet cha.
If you'd like me to actually describe myself, I'll try to do it in the simplest way possible. I'm a Christian (a real one, not the kind that judges everything and everyone. Love, dude. LOVE.), an artist and I love kinds of art, a musician (I play the piano. Aww yeah.) and I'm actually a bit awkward. Seriously though, it gets pretty bad. <br />
I've been a member of Gaia for about five years now, but not too dedicated. (sorry guys, I get distracted easi-SQUIRREL!!) So yup! First time on in about 2 1/2 years. Hot damn. My whole account needs an overhaul. Talk to me if you'd like, and thanks for stopping by! 3nodding BROFIST. emotion_brofist <br />
Make someone smile today. yum_puddi - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
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Comments (1 Comments)
- S K Y L I T a v e n u e - 08/07/2009
- hey thanx for addin me to ur favs!! ^_^ as soon as u submit some stuff im gonna vote 4 u k? thanx again!!!
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