- iHaruki's Gallery
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Artist Info:
Oh my fuck. I am now 17, everyone. It's about goddamn time.<br /><br />
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Call me Haruki/Haru.<br />
I wish I could dance.<br />
I have an adorable kitten.<br />
I don't like fads or things that get too much hype.<br />
I like almost all types of music.<br />
I hope to one day be an editor or something else semi-successful.
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I play FPS and a few RPGs. My current favorites are Left 4 Dead 2, Modern Warfare 2 and BioShock. Left 4 Dead 2 is an FPS zombie game. Tons of fun, high replay value and great multiplayer. Just imagine hordes of swarming common infected, just messin' you allll up. Then there are the special infected who like to just come along and fuck your day allllll up. Gotta watch out for those. As the title suggests, there are four survivors, and you play as these survivors, fighting your way through campaigns to get to safety. Unlike it's predecessor, L4D2's campaigns run in chronological order from the first to the last. All in all it's a really great game.<br />
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Modern Warfare 2 is also an FPS action game. Campaign is fun, but the multiplayer is the shit. Seriously. I feel like a complete badass when I'm playing that game (and actually doing well ._.; ). Tbh, I haven't been doing really well with it.. I need to upgrade my shit, and play it more often, that's for sure, lol. Xbox Live? =D<br />
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BioShock is an RPG based on the underwater city of Rapture. It's own little "war" has taken place and it's inhabitants have spliced themselves up beyond help. So, basically, there are a bunch of crazy lunes you have to kill or be killed o 3o Then there's Big Daddy - no, you perv, there's no sexuality in that game - and he's pretty much top dog around the place, when it comes to your enemies. Andrew Ryan is the "founder," I suppose, of Rapture and you get to "have a little chat" later on in the game with him... fun fun... o_o;
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Meet Your Meat watch it -.-;<br />
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Comments:<br />
1000th - Deau <3<br />
1234th - 0ak <3<br />
2000th - Yokoama! : D<br />
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heart Past Donors heart <br />
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Deau<br />
0ak<br />
beautifulrayy<br />
Anonymous Benefactor - Uncanny Form, && Summoning Tome. WHO ARE YOU?! gonk <br />
Anon/Riko<br />
Found Driver<br />
Set em free<br />
iiFuzzyBlueLights<br />
Drake P Ziom<br />
make-believe_girl<br />
The_Sexy_Lawyer<br />
Soul of the Wind<br />
Anonymous Benefactor - Silent Night. Again... WHO ARE YOU?! D8<br />
GCD Fairy - Noble Plumage<br />
Anonymous Benefactor - Coonskin Cap<br />
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I will eventually move this to my Journal, lol.<br />
Thank you all, very much! =D - Avg. rating:
No work has been submitted by artist.
Comments (1 Comments)
- The_Mysterious_Wolf XP - 03/08/2009
- Thanks for the comment...when you buy lights you put them in your house and then you can click where it says edit and view click view and then where your lights are click them and they should light them ^_^ XD
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