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Artist Info:
Heyyy x3<br />
Im Kayla♥<br />
i have like a HUNDRED different nicknames.<br />
im 15 years youngg(;<br />
Im MARRIED to Skylar<33 (iSqueeze) ♥<br />
i love dancing (badly) with my bestfriend in places like Krogers...McDonalds...In line for Starbucks..Anywhere really(:<br />
i blow out candles on Jan. 12th(:<br />
very fun, silly, random, caring, and a music freak(;<br />
I REALLY LOVEE to Roller Skate(:<br />
and take random pictures.. <br />
xD<br />
AND i have the Most AMAZING friends everrr((:<br />
Hehe.<br />
<3<br />
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~HACKED!~<br />
Ha! you been hacked babe! well hmmm where should i start ;I Well first off im skylar (aka isqueeze) Her Boytoy? D; if i dont say that im her boy toy she might rape me with a rubber spork >.< but yesh now to talk about the most amazing girl in the world Kayla! ;] she is THE most beautiful girl in the world (even though she says she isnt WHICH SHE IS!!! >;O) i dont know what i would do without her, She like completes me and makes me really happy wink I LOVE to make her smile and laugh (pffft she even makes me laugh from some of the blonde moments she has SALTY KETTLE CORN!!! > wink ) she is just simple amazing and she can really make everyone laugh or just brighten up their day! She is really caring to because she always makes people feel better when they are sad or if something is just bothering them. I hope that we will also be together forever and yes i know what i did to her before and breaking her heart was just cruel but i made a promise to her i was never EVER going to do that again and i mean to keep that promise wink I LOVE HER MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!! (and thats alot of things o.O) But anyway i think that me and her will be together for many years to come x3 i love you kayla and i think i should take a break because if i didnt i would be wrighting about you FOREVER!! D; but yesh this is where i will take a pause (takes a long break)<br />
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Yours forever and always,<br />
Skylar!~<3<br />
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RIP Belle<br />
Best dog you could've asked for. Everytime she saw me her big brown eyes would light up. 9/11/09 we had to put her down, she was in too much pain. she passed at 10:34 PM at age 15. Yes, 15 in human years. she was so freakin awesome, Love you so much belle!! <3<br />
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Yay, Lexi loves me! :'D<br />
I love you too, Lexi <3 :'D<br />
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Another Sign Lexi Made me<3<br />
I Loveeee it (:<br />
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My Sky~♥<br />
Awe.<br />
Look how freakin adorable he is<33<br />
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Skylar~♥:<br />
How could i explain this guy? He's super amazing, Always sweet, funny, and caring. Im so lucky to have him as my boyfriend and future husband<3 (And my BoyToy of course! ;D) He's just always there for me and even when i talk alot he puts up with my chatty mouth, and thats one of the reasons im totally in love with him<3 I fall more and more in love with him everyday, him and his adorable self. i mean, cmon! did you not see the picture above this??? He's friggin adorable!<3 and lets not forget, Smexi ;3 even though that Mothaaa Fuckaaa wont admit it, its totally true. And i just wanna be with him forever cause i know he's the ONE(: Ya know? When people just find that one person and cant love anyone else? Thats who, Skylar, is to me and it will always stay that way. Forever and Always.<br />
I Love you Skylar, forever n ever, i pinky promise<3 x3<br />
Loveeeeee, <br />
Kayla<3 - Avg. rating:
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