- x - Johnny HazardXx's Gallery
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^ Child of the 80's ^ mrgreen <br />
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------->Check out my favorite artists: Mark Ryden and Pierre et Gilles-------><br />
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A little bit about me!<br />
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Intro:<br />
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I live in Portland OR with my boyfriend of 4.5 years! He's a high school language arts teacher and I work from home as a customer advocate for various companies. We both get along amazingly well and we've never had a fight, ever. He's from the East coast and I am from Orange County but had moved to Portland OR. Until I moved to L.A. to go to school. We both moved to LA in 2000. My first room I rented was a block away from his job at Border's books. Then my 2nd apartment was 10 min drive to his apt in neighboring districts. I was in Los Feliz he was in Silverlake. We met and a year later moved in together in 2005. So it was kind of a meant to be thing whee <br />
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I'm a huge animal lover heart I have a dog Jasper Rutledge a sable banded Syrian hamster named Kiyomi, 3 cute little (guinea) piggies Keagan, Kiera and Kokorosie aka *The Piglets* and I have 4 fish tanks.<br />
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I love the outdoors and camping is my favorite thing to do especially at the beach (Oswald state park in Oregon is my favorite place). I love hiking and going to the dog parks with Jasper. I love road trips and getting out and exploring new areas. I love to travel but sadly have only been as far North as Seattle WA, as far East as Las Vegas NV, as South as Tiajuana Mexico and as far west as....Well born and raised in a beach town in Southern CA. So I guess you could say I have seen the whole West (in the US of course). I would love to travel the world and emerse myself in other cultures. And visit all the historical spots. A real life adventure. My one fear is I'll never get to see the world before I die sad <br />
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I love all things art. Photography, painting, drawing/sketching/doodling, DIY, arts & crafts. I love going to museums and exploring art galleries. I love all things fabulous and pop culture fascinates me! But I'm not obsessed with it.<br />
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Random stuff I like whee <br />
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Food: Mexican, Thai, Schezwan, Greek/Middle Eastern/Mediteranian, & Japanese/sushi. I LOVE spicy food! Yay for greens my fave veg is brussel sprouts. Ever since I was little I loved all vegetables. I've always been very open to exotic foods too.<br />
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Places: San Francisco, Oswald state park OR, Laguna Beach (back in the day when not so overcrowded), La Jolla CA, Multnomah Falls OR, Astoria OR, Tilamook OR, Portland OR (live there lol), Cannon Beach OR, Olympia WA, Seattle WA, Poulsbo WA, Bainbridge Island WA, Lake Tahoe CA.<br />
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Music: Off the top of my head, Tori Amos, Bjork/Sugarcubes, Goldfrapp, Sleater Kinney, Le Tigre, Teagan & Sara, Lady GaGa, Fiona Apple, CSS, The Gossip, Scissor Sisters, Rihanna, Gwen Stefani, Siouxie and the Banshees, The Cure, NIN, Switchblad Symphony, Jack Off Jill, Annie Lennox, David Bowie, Led Zepplin, Black Sabath, Aimee Mann, Lily Allen, Katy Perry, Alicia Keyes, Rasputina and a ton of others..........<br />
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Books: Harry Potter, Lemony Snickets and Eragon series I know they are all over popular but they are for a reason xd and Taken by Dean Koontz (amazing!!) A Density of Souls Christopher Rice.<br />
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Before I get onto movies, because I have MANY lol. Lets list....<br />
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Things I strongly dislike:<br />
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Food: MUSHROOMS :gag: and RAW OYSTER :double gag:<br />
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Places: Um....Barstow?? lol. No really there are a lot of places I'd never want to live but to actually hate a place I don't think I have one X3<br />
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Music: Any that degrades or uses hate/violence/bigotry to try and make it look cool. Wake up it's not cool and majority of the world hates such ignorance. It's the 21st century we are all globally connected. Hate is just a waste of energy that could be used to branch out and learn from all the countries and cultures!!<br />
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Books: I don't think I've ever hated a book X3<br />
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Okay here we go....... MOVIES!!!! xp <br />
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I like movies a lot here is my more expanded version from my tag list!<br />
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General Favorite Movies<br />
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The Goonies, Pecker, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Neverending story (#1), All <br />
Harry Potters (Even though nothing beats the books), Beetlejuice, War of the Worlds, Hell Boy, Hell Boy 2 (even better then the first one!!), Penolope, Witches, Return to Oz, The Matrix, House on Haunted Hill, The Ring, The Grudge, The Abyss and many many many many more...<br />
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Gay Movies<br />
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But I'm a Cheerleader, Better than Chocolate, Wigstock (documentary), Heavenly Creatures, Connie & Carla, Adam & Steve, Wasabi Tuna (low budge but very funny), Psycho Beach Party, Die Mommie Die (Charles Busch kicks ass XD ) I'm sure I'm leaving out quite a few......<br />
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Cult Classic's o_O<br />
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Naked Lunch, Rocky Horror Picture show, Mondo New York omgah effing hillarious!!!! I rented it once and now can't find it anywhere eek Freeway, Polyester, Cry Baby and pretty much all things John Waters! Ghostbusters movies....etc etc <br />
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Childhood Classic's d(^ _ ^)b<br />
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The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (the original version), Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, Xanadu, Bed Knobs and Broomsticks!<br />
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Anime (>^ - ^)><br />
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Spirited Away, My friend Tuturo, Castle in the Sky, umm well etc etc ALL of Hayao Miyazaki's films, Vampire Hunter D, - Avg. rating:
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