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Love's supposed to keep you young and frisky...<br />
We grew up and wide apart. <br />
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Please read!^.^ heart heart <br />
<br />.:UPDATE!:.<br /><br />
I will try to update everyday or at least every week...
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Hey, I'm on this site, use my link to join?<br /><br />
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Mia got her Divided Stars Yay!! <br />
Now I'm after avi art!! Draw me?<br />
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Rate my story please?<br />
<br />~ When all your tears run dry, you come to realize that life bites, unhealing, always bleeding, endless pain. ~<br />
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my time(GMT-5)<br />
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Hello, I am devilbunny91, you may address me as such or as bunny, devil, bun-bun, whatever is fine I do not mind. I love to draw, write, read, and do all kinds of other things, many of which revolve around some form of artistic expression. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and I am a Freshmen in University. I currently live in NJ--I know not very exciting, but hey, it is home...sort of.<br />
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When it is particularly nice out, as in not hot, I like to play soccer, badminton, volleyball or basketball with my friends or family. The most fun sporting experience for me was the soccer game with my cousins in the rain, granted I was placed in the pool for doing well, he's not very mean I swear, just confused.<br />
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I love rainy days, the stormier the better, I actually feel bitter discontent towards sunny days unless there are some clouds, and/or some wind...the good kind not the humid gross kind. <br />
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I am currently working on a few stories and pumping life into my art shop. My writing style is generally one of elaborate thought process, as it does reflect me. I find typical comments towards it to be things like 'what do you mean?' or 'I love it--now what is it saying?'.<br />
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I am calm in many aspects, bubbly in many others. Usually I will refrain from grabbing the spontaneity boat, though I am no stranger. I can speak a few languages: English, French and Urdu--French being my favorite having studied it for 9 years.<br />
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As far as how to approach me is concerned, do not be rude, or ill mannered and we will get along as best as two who find each other amiable. If you are one to kid, and laugh, heck I will join in. I have few restrictions and fewer still ways to offend me. <br />
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I will listen to you if you approach me kindly, and I care more than a damn about the simplest thing you might have to say, but please, I don't appreciate random friend requests. I have been told that I am very sweet, if not a little reserved. <br />
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I enjoy randomness, as I am often guilty of the act myself and enjoy replies, and therefore will make it a priority to reply to yours as well. I love to give, but please do not beg. I donate to those I think deserve it. In other words if you have a large quest I may help, or such. I do not however care for sob stories or friend requests just for my gold or generosity. Just be nice, talk to me and do not beg.<br />
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When I am not occupied with the above pass times I like to mess around with CSS codes and hope to achieve a profile of and for my very own someday. When that day comes, I shall of course share the ability by making a profile for a few very special friends. I also wish to get Photoshop and improve my art skills so that my shop may succeed further. <br />
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<br />I got a job on Gaia for my free time. A writing job. I get paid to write in a roleplay set-up office where I interact with everyone, writers and clients, and set my own rules and services.<br /><br />
Please click Here to go check it out for a full list of available services and specifications.<br />
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Interests <br />
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Movie: Children of Paradise, Blood Diamonds, The Illusionist, Thief of Baghdad, Casablanca, Swingtime, Tophat, Swan Princess, Disney's Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and Sleeping Beauty, and many more that I can't think of..^^'<br />
oooh, oooh!! and, and...wait for it...THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA(2005), totally my favorite right now and possibly forever.<br />
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TV: Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Avatar the Last Airbender, Degrassi, Dragon Tales(don't ask)<br />
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Books: Almost everything Austen wrote, especially Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice, Rebecca, Twilight series by Meyer, Count of Monte Cristo, Any fairytale^^”<br />
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Music: Ok Go, Incubus, Avenge Sevenfold, Rage Against the Machine, Fall out Boy, Finger Eleven, Frou Frou, ATC, Goo Goo Dolls, All American Rejects, The Cranberries, A bunch of random songs of today, I like rock and alternative, and currently I'm all over Phantom of the Opera songs, know them all by heart, I'd be the obnoxious girl speaking along with every word of the movie. But I can sing so it wouldn't be (too)horrible^^;<br />
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Hobbies: Cooking, Drawing, Reading, Singing, Dancing, Playing with little kids, Badminton, Volleyball, Soccer, Writing(stories and poems), RPG's, a few combat games...hmm<br />
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As far as chatting goes, I don't use AIM so frequently, but MSN I do, ask me if you wish to add me ok? heart <br />
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A side note to all my friends: I gave up on trying to rank the friends list correctly...I hate Gaia's new format and well just left it alone. If you feel bad about wherever you are on that list...don't. I managed to sort my top 12 sort of and that's it. Sorry! I love you all!! <33<br />
Edit as of 8/31/08: even those top 12 are out of order so, it's all just shma.<br />
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Take me back to Wonderland... - Avg. rating:
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