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  • Arenas
  • Anghellic
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Anghellic
  • Artist: Spenelli
  • Description: Spenelli was born the daughter of an angel from heaven and a demon of hell. She was given the hair, skin and voice of an angel but the appendages of a demon. She resides on Earth and to live up to her father's expectations covers her holy eye. The eye can see all of what's good in the hearts of men, but she tries to carry on her father's name and be the evil he wishes her to be, while the angel in her tries to make her do what's right.
  • Date: 12/12/2009
  • Tags: anghellic
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Spenelli - 12/20/2009
  • I'm not trying to sound like an "emo" here.. but I'm really sad that I am getting a crappy rating. I wish people took the time to read what the avatar is all about instead of looking at the title and the avatar and just voting based on that.
  • Spenelli - 12/20/2009
  • Hmm.. did you READ the description? Cause.. it seems like you only read the title.. I have angelic items.. but that's not the point or story of the avatar. This is not meant to be an angelic/ demonic avatar!!! READ!
  • Spenelli - 12/18/2009
  • It looks like no one is reading my description. How could I be getting a 3.45 rating? That's messed up.
  • Spenelli - 12/12/2009
  • I totally came up with it while editing my profile.. it makes a good story, too.. maybe my next book? Haha.. like I have the motivation.
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