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  • Arenas
  • Edward and Bella
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Edward and Bella
  • Artist: EdwardAnthonyCullen
  • Description: Now before you vote, and say it's to simple (because heck, I know it is) you have to read the description.
    This is a cosplay of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. They're from the books Twilight and New Moon, and the upcoming book, Eclipse, in August. If you want to know about the characters. and their relationship, go to www.stepheniemeyer.com.
    Now, for those who have read them, I know Bella doesn't have green eyes, nor are Edward and Bella the same height, but hey, this is the best I could pull
  • Date: 03/18/2007
  • Tags: bellaswan edwardcullen twilight newmoon eclipse
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Valdria - 06/10/2010
  • You did your best..... Edward actually had russet/bronze/almost reddish hair. (in the book of Bree Tanner they say Edward is actually a red head! wow I know right) Don't base cosplaying off the movie please, they did a good job and all but no... just don't. thx.
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