Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Princess Peach
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
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Comments (2 Comments)
  • Spenelli - 02/09/2015
  • Geminai I can understand all of that. Since it's cosplay I was thinking along the lines of me being a cat and cosplaying Peach. I haven't done this very much. xD I know the cosplay was sort of easy because of the set but I feel like the items I added were perfect. Believe me though coming up with the gold for this was nowhere near easy. I'll try to do better next time. :3
  • Hoshiko Geminai - 02/09/2015
  • It's cute, but I think I have two main suggestions as to why I can't give this a high score.

    First of all, your reference is Peach, not Cat Suit Peach, or an artist's interpretation of her as an animal. If you wanted to say she was small peach (like she hadn't eaten a big mushroom yet and was shrunken) I would have used the Elf Skin/Fur.
    My other major critique is that you used a set. The people who really shine in the arena's used only components of a set and didn't rely on the whole outfit.
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