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  • Arenas
  • Queen of hearts
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Queen of hearts
  • Artist: blackcat_1002001
  • Description: This is my first time entering a contest on gaia but... i decided too have some fun with this and so i made myself the Queen of Hearts please let me know what you guys think ^^
  • Date: 10/08/2009
  • Tags: queen hearts
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Katiesaur - 10/18/2009
  • :O~ it looks kawaii! but get rid of the little robot thing by ur tail and get rid of the dragon otherwise ur good 3/5
  • Evangescarilina - 10/17/2009
  • Since its your first time, a bit of the rules are if you're in the cosplay arena: you need a refrence pic to show WHO you're dressing as and in the description, try to give details about who you're cosplaying as.
    Try this avi in the Original one if you don't have a specifc Queen of Hearts that you're relating to!
    Thank you!
  • Youko Sakura - 10/15/2009
  • Why are there animals with the Queen and why is she a cat? "Alice in Wonderland's" queen is the evil villain. Cute things look very off on her.
  • Namisora - 10/15/2009
  • Nami says fail. Epic epic epic fail. ... I'd tell you what you did wrong but then i'd be typing all day. 1/5
  • N a r - W h a l e - 10/15/2009
  • um..sorry but it looks nothing like the queen of hearts o_o..this looks like it should be in the avatar category ..not cosplay 3/5
  • MistressBebop - 10/15/2009
  • Wow, I've never seen the Queen of Hears be a catgirl before. Uhm... if it didn't have the catgirl-ness, dragon, and puppy I might have liked it but it just seems so random and not thought out.
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