slm doggin nigguhs

Igneus Ira's avatar

Last Login: 07/12/2012 7:32 pm

Registered: 09/04/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Earth.

Birthday: 03/15

Occupation: Living.


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Am I really going to devote time and effort into this thing at 5 in the morning?
Got nothing better to do...

If you are going to waste your precious time reading this, good luck.
My name is Lee, I tend to be branded an a** hole quite often, usually because I tend not to give a ******** a lot.
But I guess that's just me, I mean, I can give a ******** it's
I tend to stay up late at night one gaia, for god know's why?
I can be a pretty cool guy, if we get into a conversation.
I usually meet people in rallies unfortunately rally isn't what it used to be, and most of the people there are either hipsters or wack with poo brain.
If you ask how I am, I'll either say good, tired or fair.
just so you know.
I'm usually misleading with my age because of how I act, as I apparently act much older than I'm supposed to.
Online at least.
I've been told I'm a funny guy, tend to make jokes pretty often, too often sometimes. It's up to you to get my jokes or not. I have chronic neck problems, I think from twisting and cracking it too often.
I'm not much of a skater but I can at least go a good distance without falling off the board, I'm pretty adept at parkour, I ain't no novice.

What else can I say, I'm an artist, that likes to dress trendy/eccentric.
I'm not very sporty but I'll shred with my friends or do parkour.
over all I'm lazy and comedic relief. -shrugs-

As for my Friends.
I have the greatest friends a guy could ask for.
Katee. My very best friend, we used to talk so much. Share on so many things, but we don't talk anymore. :
Cassie My Super cool Asian friend, she can be super sarcastic at times but her points are valid and very needed at times. Her avi's always amazing as well~ c:
Blaze My ever intelligent Brother, creative mind and decisive thinking. A true genius of the literature arts.
Dan Generally awesome, he's super friendly and also very creative with the avi's I must say.
Kitana Dearest sister, always caring for me, what will I do without you?


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A ******** Journal.



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Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 5:51 pm
I'm picky about meat.
There are a few vegetables I cant eat though.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 5:46 pm
I love onions. I enjoy a lot of vegetables though.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 5:43 pm
The smell of onions deter mosquito.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 5:31 pm
Eat onions. Or rub them on your feet.
It keeps mosquito away.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 5:17 pm
Usual, blogging. Just got home from my walk.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 4:31 pm
I tend to feel that people and I have
strange relationship. I feel that I waltz in
and out of the lives of others and only a
few are truly dancing in step with me.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 4:18 pm
I have friends that I only talk to online and the phone,
we've all met in real life and we talk everyday, for the whole day.
I'm sure if everyone does their best, it will work out.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 4:10 pm
That's a good link,
gaming helps people stay in reach.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 4:05 pm
Friendships are hard over distance, I understand.
It's more than a matter of commitment but hope
that they last too.

They're more trying than long distance relationships.
Persephelia Report | 06/03/2012 4:00 pm
That happens to me too.
Switching of for the better of two evils?
People are awful everyone, it's our blight as a species.


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