
hey...hows it going? i dont know why i ask these questions when

most of the time people dont answer...but anyways...

i'm kelsey, im basically 15 years of age. so as of now i am watching

that 70s show. it was funny because red was yelling at eric saying

"why did you drop a bowling ball on the tv? what good can come

from it?!' haha it was funny but its also true..i mean what good

can come from it? please comment. i mean the only thing i can think

of is that you'd get a new tv..but anyways i like that 70s show,

hyde is amazing, but

friends is my favorite show! its awesome and hilarious. chandler is

my favorite. chandler bing. right now i am listening to my queen cd

i love queen its my favorite band, i like most rock music: queen,

greenday, the beatles, journey... yeah good bands. i dont like

hannah montana..lame show.. very lame. i want some triscuits.

garden herb. yum. i've been craving them ever since katie's house.

i also want some roast beef. does anyone else like the

freecreditreport.com guys? i think they are awesome. though my

dad doesn't like them...i assume considering everytime the

commercial comes on he changes the channel. and says he can't

stand this commercial. i love chapstick. i am always applying it

every few seconds i literally have over 20 chapsticks just in/on my

desk. its a habit. just like me breaking the parts on the pen caps.

every pen i own has the pen cap thing broken off or its bent..

i think that is why people wont let me borrow their pens...hmm..

i also want some arizona green tea. its good but we never buy it.

it makes me upset. i wish friends was on more often. and

whoseline. i am upset because i thought whoseline was on today

but its only on wednesdays and thursdays. hmm i really have to

pee, i always have to pee. hmm i guess i should talk more about

my friends instead of me. well i have 5 major buds . there's carrie:

i've known here since i was about 4 yrs old in preschool. ah back

when i used to stick corn kernels up my nose..good times

in first

grade she moved away and we've kept in touch ever since. and

she visits here in wisconsin..she moved to california. its kinda of

complicated. and then there's mackenzie: we've been friends since

kindergarten, we stopped hanging out for a while then started to

hang out again and we got pretty close in the past years. but then

she moved away only not as far as california, just a few miles

away and goes to a different school, then

there's savanna..she's superman, and i am the hulk, and katie's

spiderman. and together we form the justice league of super hero's

well me and carrie and savanna use to hang out in kindergarten:

we were the powerpuff girls...pretty lame but hey we were 5. but

then we stopped hanging out and we got pretty close this year.

hmm then there's ashley and katie. they are my two closest buds

i dont know what i'd do with out them. they are like my cheese and

crackers i guess you can say... well ashley: we've been buds

since 7th grade. i tell everything to ashley. i call her ashlatron..

like ashlatron 5000. then there's katie: katies my main poncho..

thats what i call her. and im her main apache cheif. i've been

friends with her since 4th grade when she moved here. i tell her

everything. i mean i guess austyn's a friend, he sits by us at lunch

everyday but thats pretty much it. i like the shamwow guy.. he's

amazing.. i mean he beat up a hooker but.. the commercials are

awesome. and the slapchop one. i have a shamwow. wes gave

it to me. well the things i do most in my time is: watch tv, listen to

music, workout some, play volleyball, hang out with friends, and

eat. i wish we bought slim jims more i love slim jims they are really

good. i am sleepy often. one time i got the sims 3 and i was mad

because it wouldn't work on my computer so i just layed in my bed

with a pillow over my head just upset and i ended up falling asleep

it was like 2 in the afternoon and then i had to get up 5 because

i had to eat dinner. but i ended up getting to play the sims on my

dad computer. hmm i smell ham.. now i want some. i am cold 24/7.

yep. always chilly. i like to spoon..well i like being spooned.. it

makes me warm..well i guess thats all i have to say..so..bye!

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here are some funny friends quotes:

"Guys, guys, guess what, guess what?"
"Hmm, I don't know...the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident?"
- Rachel and Chandler in The One With All the Poker

Let me get this straight. He got you to beg to sleep with him, he got you to say he never has to call you again, and he got you thinking this was a great idea?"
"This man is my god!"

Ross: I can't belive you two had sex in her dream.
Chandler: I'm sorry, it was a one time thing. I was very drunk and it was somebody else's subconscious.

Chandler: They do me?
Phoebe: You know, like... uh, okay: "Could that report be any later?"
Chandler: I don't sound like that.
Ross: Oh, oh Chandler...
Joey: Yeah, you do.
Ross: "The hills were alive with the sound of music.
Joey: My scones!
Phoebe, Ross, & Joey: "My scones!"
Chandler: Okay, I don't sound like that. That is so not true. That is so not... That is so not... Oh, shut up!

Joey: Man this is weird. You ever realize Captain Crunch's eyebrows are actually on his hat?
Chandler: You think that's what's weird? Joey, the man's been captain of a cereal for the last 40 years.

CHANDLER: All right, you will notice that I am fully dressed. I, in turn, have noticed that you are not. So in the words of A. A. Milne, "Get out of my chair, dillhole!"
JOEY: Okay. (he gets up and takes the cushions with him, as he starts to leave)

Joey (watching old videos of Monica): Some girl ate Monica!!! "
Monica: Shut up, the camera adds 10 pounds. "
Chandler: so how many cameras are actually on you?

Ross: You-you-you-you (trying to remain in control) threw my sandwich away MY SANDWICH?!!! MY SANDWICH!!!!!!

Chandler: And this from the cry-for-help department: Are you wearing makeup?
Joey: Yes, I am. As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model.
Chandler: That's funny, 'cause I was thinking you look more like Joey Tribbiani, man slash

hahaha bye.


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


My life : )



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/28/2010 11:50 am


Text me, e-mail me, myspace me. hell you can even Gaia me!!! i'll be checking mine just in case i get a message from you. I miss you!!

Report | 02/17/2010 5:42 pm


Hilo~ How are yoush?
-Tee Fun Eee-

Report | 06/29/2009 10:57 am

-Tee Fun Eee-

Im good i suppose.. and you?

Report | 06/28/2009 10:31 am


Ya not a lot is happening here either.

Report | 06/23/2009 1:49 pm


Yay thankies! Well not much is going on. It is really hot out side. I might play hockey, or play with my cat! So what's up?

Report | 06/14/2009 2:11 pm


That sounds so fun! Say hi to Katie for me k!

Report | 06/11/2009 4:46 pm


I know! I am so glad school is out. I am going to Nevada tomorrow to see my family! So what's up?

Report | 06/07/2009 8:58 pm


That iz ok. so what's up?

Report | 06/04/2009 11:58 pm


give this teddy bear ♥
to every person u care about including me if u care."
Try to collect 10

Report | 05/28/2009 7:27 pm


Hey! What's up?