What I Have to Say

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I'm an oddball with some personality.
Hm, I do have a boo (:
Vic-TAHH. x3
I do have a friend that satifies my every need, although not sexually.
RAHTISHA. Or Leticia ^o^.
My life IS filled with ups, downs, lefts, and rights, and atleast 130 degrees around. (If you catch my drift.)
My mind wanders through different subjects, and I get oddly facinated by different things. It's weird. xP
If I could I'd sit on my toilet all day long and just think. (:
I could, I would, but I really shouldn't. xD
Well, thats enough of my going off about things, lmao roflcoper. :]

Love and Sacks,
Khanh ^w^