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If this were a magazine, the title of this section would be "Succesful Wo...MEN, MEN"

Lady Gaga beats me and pays me minimum wage.

Thoughts of Day from my Lovers.

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meowchy Report | 12/05/2010 12:45 am
im not much of a glee fan, but i dont hate it
i like mcdonalds chicken nuggets & in n out strawberry milkshakes

& i love grocery store sushi as much as i love fancy sushi!

i just recently realized how interesting the japanese culture is
im eighteen!

i like staying up late, and hate sleeping in
i like to cook and clean yay!
meowchy Report | 12/04/2010 4:17 am
i like boys, too, i guess we have a little sumin sumin in common blaugh
meowchy Report | 12/04/2010 3:53 am
im michelle biggrin
March Of Helios Report | 11/17/2010 6:00 pm
I've had A Prayer for Owen Meany on my shelf for at least 2 years lol. I wish books were my main interest points, I just forget about them like every other living thing in my life. rolleyes
How did you like it? My friend read like 75% of it and couldn't finish, I don't know why but it really doesn't sound promising considering she is so much more disciplined then I.

Yeah, I'm Vietnamese. How about you?
I've always wondered what you guys called native aussies. Like Australian-ese?
March Of Helios Report | 11/16/2010 3:44 am
I'm a joker for paperback mystery romance novels. I've just been reading a ton of cultural studies lately, A People's History (a very popular book in America) and one on my native country, Vietnam. I also like to sneak in a few religious topics here and there. What are you reading now?
March Of Helios Report | 11/15/2010 6:21 pm
lol. Our lives are full of pretty positive promises. Will you leave Australia? I'm not a fan of traveling, I like moving and staying, none of that two-weeks stuff'

What makes you seem 40?
March Of Helios Report | 11/15/2010 12:33 am
lol, she'll move mountains, generations, and her wardrobe across the 7 oceans and everyone'll know her name sooner or later. Oddly enough, I was just watching her on youtube, I get Gaga cravings every now and then (I don't even listen to mainstream pop) but listening to these supposedly progressive "indie" bands all day really takes it's toll on me, they're really not that good or interesting; Gaga is truly something special, something different, and she can also sing live.

I'd hate to think what would happen twenty years from now. I'll be old as ********, and I'm already a prude. I'd be like... sundried tomato soon, knitting and playing CLUE all day alone....
March Of Helios Report | 11/14/2010 1:18 pm
She is an enjoyable character. I believe she is part of this twenty first century cultural revolution, maybe not as big as The Beatles, but she's got quite the appeal; she's absolutely stunning, and a thousand faces to shed. I wouldn't mind hanging with her. She's one of the artists I tentatively sneak onto my ipod. ;_;
March Of Helios Report | 11/14/2010 3:51 am
lol, that's an odd way to go about things. If you're half as interesting as her.. I'd fear you, but still like you at the same time
Has she toured in Australia yet? I know she went international before...
March Of Helios Report | 11/13/2010 7:13 pm
so i take it you're a fan of Lady Gaga?

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