Knight Astartes

Knight Astartes's avatar

Birthday: 09/12


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if you're here then youve probably wasted a couple of minutes of your life biggrin


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Back To Your Future Report | 05/22/2022 8:48 pm
Back To Your Future
Sujubeun Report | 02/20/2018 2:21 am
work been really busy for you again?
ive been okay I guess..
drama but.. eeehhh.
Sujubeun Report | 02/19/2018 5:12 pm
whats poppin corn
get it
see what I did there
How're you?
Sujubeun Report | 09/29/2017 1:07 am
you buttnugget better reply
Sujubeun Report | 09/07/2017 9:01 pm
How are you?
Are you going to be getting on more finally?
Sujubeun Report | 09/07/2017 8:55 pm
Sujubeun Report | 03/22/2017 10:51 pm
dont think I cannot see you are on
kyohei hyuuga Report | 09/12/2016 12:42 am
kyohei hyuuga
user 36527347 Report | 07/04/2014 3:48 pm
user 36527347
Hi, you ok? Haven't heard from you in a long time~ ♫
XBTF_Psycho Report | 06/26/2014 9:21 am
Plus another 3 mil all that is worth please



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When the person you love is holding you. you feel like you are safe from the dark. happy as one can be, but when that person leaves without a goodbye by the hands of another, in front of your eyes. that single ray of light, forcefully taken away from you, is gone forever. you try so hard to move on, but you just can't do it. you remember the person who took your light without a second thought. and as the memories flood in so does anger and hatred, but as the same time your light fades. the darkness around you slowly swallows you as you mourn for the life once bright. until finally the monster inside you. the one you hid from under the covers, the one lurking in the closet finally breaks free. it seeps out and takes over your body as you are slowly hidden from reality. the monster seeks the flesh of the one that made it suffer. it goes near and far until it finally finds that one person....the one that ruined you with a smile now lays on the floor
begging for its life. as the monster is about to make the fatal blow something stops it... the light... as you see this being that has no soul, you think. no matter how much you hurt this person, no matter if you kill, that won't bring the light back. as you leave the soul-less person their for the police, you can hear the voice of your love calling you. proud of you. hoping to see you again. as you finally move on with life. you look at the sky. knowing one day you'll be reunited again