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hmm potion's for sale? really?

final fantasy vii

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Cid Highwind

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Flazedah Report | 07/30/2017 1:24 pm
Great name
Firoru Report | 09/02/2014 10:35 am
cool avi
Dog Hanyo Kotaro Report | 03/26/2011 10:47 am
Dog Hanyo Kotaro
ik man i heard the first time they said it. B). first the rock , now stone cold. Geez are we goin back in time to the Attitude Era? BD
Stariore Report | 03/25/2011 11:28 pm
gold beach on carrion flower
Firoru Report | 02/20/2011 9:30 pm
.panel{background: black; }

.panel h2{text-align: center;}

.panel h2{background: transparent; }

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The bold one is for the round cor ners
Firoru Report | 02/20/2011 8:53 pm
body,html {background: url('put the picture url here, kay?')no-repeat; cursor: crosshair; background-attachment: fixed; }
Stariore Report | 02/19/2011 4:29 pm
Yeah I just want it to be a free and fun date xD I don't want it to be slow and serious o-o I'm trying out the experience with you to see if I like it is all because I haven't dated in a while lol o-o
Stariore Report | 02/19/2011 4:18 pm
I Just don't want to be trapped in a relationship ever again not till I actually find the right person I feel confident with. :[ That is the reason why I reject people's offers all the time because I'm afraid of being trapped with someone who doesn't fit me, but at the same time I like to date people, I like to casually date people but I just don't it to go so serious that I end up falling to far and I get hurt later on. o-o
Stariore Report | 02/19/2011 4:07 pm
Yeah just to let you know, we aren't serious dating yet, I just want to try it out with you because I'm scared everyone might think we are all like Serious and be like get married x-x and sometimes that scares me.
Stariore Report | 02/19/2011 3:37 pm
Hey man whats up >.> If you feel anything is going on with our relationship anytime let me know, because I hate when I date people and theres a problem and they don;t let me know :y.